[NCUC-DISCUSS] Fwd: [gnso-chairs] Initiating the Community Dialogue on "How We Meet": Initial Ideas & Meeting Request

Kathy Kleiman Kathy at KathyKleiman.com
Mon Jul 15 14:31:44 CEST 2024

Benjamin,  thanks for sharing this information with your insights, ideas 
and guidance!

Best, Kathy

On 7/12/2024 9:29 AM, Benjamin Akinmoyeje wrote:
> Thank you, Kathy, for your question; here is an additional *personal* 
> assessment and opinion on the issue,  in addition to Tomslin's summary 
> in the email I forwarded.
> This email is a follow-up email to the document I forwarded earlier.
> During the ICANN80 Kigali meeting, the chairs of SOACs met with the 
> ICANN Interim CEO to discuss the way the ICANN community meets and 
> works tagged "How We Meet" and "How We Work," especially in the face 
> of the global economic crisis realities.
> The meeting produced multiple suggestions and recommendations, and 
> ICANN staff captured them in the shared document attached (by the way, 
> I was not in the meeting).
> The discussion summary was about how we can streamline or adjust our 
> meeting logistics to fit sustainably to today's harsh economic 
> situation without undermining ICANN's mission and effectiveness to its 
> remit. The discussion centered on the need to adjust the frequency of 
> ICANN's public meetings or the number of sessions, the need to make 
> Hybrid meetings more effective, etc.
> The document has shared multiple options that could be considered. 
> However, some of my concerns are:
> 1. NCUC can not afford to reduce the number of representatives at 
> ICANN meetings because we are underrepresented in these meetings already;
> 2.  Virtual meetings are not effective for our community, knowing that 
> many are from regions struggling with Internet connections. Hence, it 
> will reduce the participation of our members. - we saw this during the 
> pandemic.
> 3. Finally, I am also concerned about the approach that the community 
> will use to arrive at the option to be implemented; I hope the process 
> of deciding would be a bottom-up approach.
> My call to action for members is that everyone should share their 
> opinions on this matter and help shape the final outcome.
> Thank you,
> Benjamin
> On Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 3:18 PM Kathy Kleiman <Kathy at kathykleiman.com> 
> wrote:
>     Hi Benjamin,
>     Tx you for sharing this posting with NCUC. Can we ask what changes
>     below are of most concern (or least concern) to you as someone who
>     has been closely involved in planning our NCUC meetings (thank
>     you!) and cares deeply about NCUC participation?
>     /I have the same question for all members of the NCUC Executive
>     Committee (last year and newly elected). /Could you be our guides
>     through the discussion of these rather significant changes?  What
>     will most impact NCUC information, research, comment writing, and
>     participation?
>     Best and tx,
>     Kathy
>     On 7/11/2024 4:27 AM, Benjamin Akinmoyeje wrote:
>>     Dear NCUC members,
>>     Good day, I hope you are well. I like to bring this important
>>     discussion to your attention.
>>     This is a community discussion about  How We Meet and How We Work .
>>     I encourage you to read the email trail below and the attached
>>     documents and share your recommendations or ideas on the attached
>>     Google Doc.
>>     Kindly contribute your voice to this future shaping discussion.
>>     Kind regards,
>>     Benjamin
>>     ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>     From: *Tomslin Samme-Nlar* <mesumbeslin at gmail.com>
>>     Date: Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 12:58 AM
>>     Subject: Fwd: [gnso-chairs] Initiating the Community Dialogue on
>>     "How We Meet": Initial Ideas & Meeting Request
>>     To: <NCSG-DISCUSS at listserv.syr.edu>
>>     Hi team,
>>     In our SOAC leadership meeting with Sally in Kigali, she
>>     mentioned 2 areas where the community needs to have a dialogue
>>     on; (1) "How We Meet" and (2) "How We Work". Below and attached
>>     is a discussion paper from ICANN's Policy & Advice Development
>>     staff team to facilitate the discussion on dialogue #1 "How We Meet.
>>     Things will move fast since we have to send our feedback (if any)
>>     to gnso-chairs at icann.org by 24 July 2024. As a result, I have
>>     added this topic as an agenda item to our monthly policy meeting
>>     which is on Monday 15 July at 11:30 UTC (See Andrea's
>>     email/reminder for joining details and full agenda). Come with
>>     some ideas please. I have also created this Google Doc
>>     <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rQ3_P-xlb48qcy4iY4prOis4Y4O1O2a_geBfrYMuQ4Y/edit?usp=sharing>
>>     to solicit feedback from everyone, even if you can't make the
>>     meeting.
>>     In the paper, you will notice a number of suggestions such as:
>>      1. Evaluate the full cycle of in-person and hybrid community
>>         meetings, including standalone SOAC Leadership and Strategic
>>         Planning meetings, targeted group meetings (such as the
>>         Contracted Parties Summit, the At Large Summit, and the
>>         High-Level Governmental Meeting) and similar, cost-intensive,
>>         travel-dependent Meetings
>>      2. Review the planning by ICANN Org and the community for all
>>         in-person/hybrid meetings (including ICANN Public Meetings)
>>         by adopting an annualized, regular approach of planning for a
>>         full meeting cycle (either by a calendar year or a fiscal year)
>>      3. Review of the current allocation of Funded Travelers to each
>>         ICANN Public Meeting
>>      4. Reduce the number of sessions at ICANN Public Meetings, which
>>         could result in a reduction in the cost of travel (i.e.,
>>         accommodation) and venue-related costs (e.g., room and
>>         equipment rentals, contractors)
>>      5. Reduce or eliminate informational and training sessions at
>>         ICANN Public Meetings
>>      6. Reduce or eliminate ICANN-hosted or ICANN-sponsored social
>>         and outreach events at, or associated with, an ICANN Public
>>         Meeting
>>      7. Move at least one (1) upcoming ICANN Public Meeting to a
>>         Virtual Meeting
>>      8. Review the current state of ICANN Public Meetings, with a
>>         view toward updating the ten-year-old ICANN Meetings Strategy
>>         (dating from 2014) to match current and expected future needs
>>         and budget constraints
>>     Talk to you all on Monday.
>>     Warmly,
>>     Tomslin
>>     *From:* Mary Wong via soac-chairs <soac-chairs at icann.org>
>>     *Sent:* Sunday, July 7, 2024 11:58 PM
>>     *To:* soac-chairs at icann.org
>>     *Cc:* team-leaders at icann.org
>>     *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] [soac-chairs] Initiating the Community
>>     Dialogue on "How We Meet": Initial Ideas & Meeting Request
>>     *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the
>>     organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
>>     can confirm the sender and know the content is safe.
>>     Dear SOAC leaders,
>>     An action item from your informal meeting with Sally in Kigali
>>     was for the Policy team to facilitate a dialogue with you about
>>     “How We Meet”, viz., how our in-person and hybrid meetings can be
>>     optimized to ensure that resources (including financial, staff
>>     and community time) continue to be allocated appropriately to
>>     ensure the community can do its work effectively and efficiently,
>>     while staying within budgetary constraints. As a starting point
>>     for this dialogue, we have drafted the attached discussion paper
>>     with some initial ideas for your community’s consideration and to
>>     invite your suggestions for further discussion.
>>     To capitalize on the momentum of recent conversations and to
>>     facilitate a constructive and substantive dialogue, we’d like to
>>     suggest the following cadence of meetings, structured around a
>>     few foundational questions:
>>       * Late/end-July: first call with SOAC Chairs and Vice-Chairs to
>>         share feedback on agreed strategic questions
>>       * Mid/late August (following collation of ideas and input):
>>         second call to discuss and agree on concrete ideas for
>>         implementation or further exploration
>>       * End-August/early September (if agreed is needed): third call
>>         to review agreed way forward, including any next steps for
>>         additional (longer term) ideas to be discussed further
>>     The sort of strategic, foundational questions we were thinking
>>     might be helpful for focusing the dialogue include:
>>           o If you or your group could change one thing about how we
>>             meet that will facilitate efficiency in how we deliver
>>             ICANN’s mission while remaining sustainable into the
>>             future, what would that be?
>>           o What other key changes do we need to make to continue to
>>             ensure we can meet these goals?
>>     Thank you for your support and willingness to collaborate with us
>>     in seeking to improve and optimize how we meet. Assuming you are
>>     comfortable with the proposed approach, I’ll make sure to come
>>     back to you with some suggested dates for the calls. Please let
>>     me know if your group have any questions or would like any
>>     additional information that can assist with your internal
>>     discussions about this topic. Thank you!
>>     Cheers
>>     Mary
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