[NCUC-EC] Fwd: NCUC Fellowship to the IGF - statement of interest – Flavio Garces

Bruna Martins dos Santos bruna.mrtns at gmail.com
Wed Oct 31 00:34:49 CET 2018

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Flavio Andre Garces Heredia <flagarh at hotmail.com>
Date: ter, 30 de out de 2018 às 20:34
Subject: NCUC Fellowship to the IGF - statement of interest – Flavio Garces
To: chair at ncuc.org <chair at ncuc.org>, maryam.bakoshi at icann.org <
maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>

Dear NCUC chair,

I am Flavio Andre Garces Heredia, a newcomer since May 2018, this is my
statement of interest with the purpose to contribute with the NCUC
participation at IGF.

1.       *Outreach plans:* My outreach plans for NCUC during the 13th IGF
are some simple but either effective outreach methods; mention my
affiliation to NCUC during my interventions in workshops, explain to my
colleagues what is ICANN and NCUC and what they do, and share some
informational brochures. I think the best way to understand if a team fits
for you is learn about it and meet someone who works actively in the team,
that is why I had chosen NCUC after ICANN61.

As additional comments I would say:

   1. I am committed to contribute at our booth at IGF, as well to write
   daily reports during the meeting to update the membership on the
   proceedings, through our website and twitter.
   2. NCUC must have an official opinion about some topics that will be
   discussed in the workshops, I would like to advocate for the NCUC position.
   If we don’t have, we can prepare some unique positions in order to make our
   interventions more effective.

2.       *The workshops I will take part in:* talking about the workshops I
will take part in, those are divided in:

Topics related to NCUC work: I would like to attend, including but not
limited to, the following workshops

   - AI Ethics: privacy, transparency and knowledge construction
   - Making National Laws Good for Internet Governance
   - Local content: a unique opportunity for underserved regions
   - Before you know it, Internet governance will be irrelevant
   - Accessibility Improved: building inclusive societies with AI
   - Net neutrality and beyond: ensuring freedom of choice online
   - Data Governance in “Smart” Cities: From Open Data to My Data
   - A BRIC hit the Web: Finding patterns in digital policymaking

   Other workshops: there other workshops which I would like to attend,
   including but not limited to, the following workshops

   - Regulation at the age of online platform-based economy
   - Proliferation, Cyber Stability and State Responsibility
   - CLOUD Act & e-Evidence: implications for the Global South
   - Emerging Youth Practices and the Digital Economy

3.       *In my own words about what the NCUC does:* in ICANN`s Generic
Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) there is the Noncommercial Users
Constituency (NCUC), which members include individuals and non-profit
organizations involved, overall, in public policy advocacy related to
noncommercial uses and users, and particularly advocate for human rights,
privacy, internet governance, net neutrality, and so on. it is important to
bear in mind that NCUC works on Domain Name Policy issues and does not
cover the broader Internet governance issues that do not relate to domain
name policy. Through this perspective the NCUC team contribute to the ICANN

I think NCUC is the most inclusive and accessible ICANN`s constituency, it
doesn’t have restrictive requirements to join the team. Of course, it is
mandatory to contribute in order to achieve the NCUC objectives. In fact,
NCUC has the right characteristics which fits for newcomers who are
individuals looking for research and policy building opportunities, just
like me.

4.       *How much funding:*  I am seeking for round trip airfare tickets,
and just $400 dollars to cover accommodation and transportation.  I do not
need visa to France and I have US visa.

I hope you find it helpful.

Kind regards,

Flavio Andre Garces Heredia

*Bruna Martins dos Santos *

Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
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