[NCUC-EC] NCUC EC Call last Friday - Appointments

Renata Aquino Ribeiro raquino at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 13:14:22 CEST 2018

Dear all

These are my appointments from NCUC EC Call last Friday.

Present in this call were Elsa Saade, Louise Hurel and Ines Hfaiedh

Apologies from Michael Karanicolas and Bruna Santos

I've recovered Elsa Saade's agenda here:

1. General overview of the NCUC EC and Chair's work in the past 5 months
(always keeping by-laws in mind)

This was to me a surprise and a rather uncanny agenda item since there was
no point mentioned about the bylaws or their infringement I can recall

a. Hand-over process (if any) and how it can be refined for current and
future EC

The EC had a transition document studied in the beginning of its term. In
ICANN61 the Chair could not be at the meeting but EC could. Both Chair and
EC are representatives of NCUC so in occasions where the Chair is not
available, the EC can represent. Fortunately these occasions won't be
needed anymore in a short horizon.

b. General Mailing list and Regional Mailing List evaluation

This was a topic left for next meeting

c. Outreach updates from each of the ECs and Chair

It was explained that inreach is now a priority for NCUC and this means
changes in outreach event profiles. In the future, this change of profile
will be taken into account.

d. Events and Meeting updates | Staff communication thus far

Staff is to return soon and may address EC wish for more communication and
a task digest

e. Team dynamics as observed in the last 5 months (communication) and

See point above

f. Q&A for clarifications if any

2. Future Proceeds and how to improve communication

See point above

a. Communication Management Brainstorming and setting

See point above

b. Initial coordination plan for EC and Chair for any upcoming

Unfortunately we do not have the report from the ICANN62 Kick-off planning
meeting yet but soon we may have other information
A workspace is built, just like before
A general public invite
And thanks for the EC who contributed with social media, invites to the

Some meetings, for instance, are outside of Chair/EC remit

As I understand Elsa Saade is going to Rightscon handpicked by GSE
Since this comes w no consultation or communication to the EC or Chair, we
take that she is representing her own personal capacity

c. Responsibilities and Time Management + Deadline setting

Unfortunately ICANN organization sets deadlines and emails have to be
publicized for members knowledge as soon as the information is available
for transparency and information of our members. So, there isn't really a
possibility on "holding off" on emails for 1 day a week so the EC can have
a lesser email volume. Advice remains that the EC change to digest mode or
web-only messages. Staff can help with that. Whenever Chair or Staff
reaches out to EC offlist is because a deadline is approaching and needs to
have EC feedback. However, we strive to move with tasks as best as possible
on time with majority of votes, as Procedures outline.

3. AOB
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