[NCUC-EC] NCUC election ballot

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Tue Nov 15 03:26:45 CET 2016

On Nov 14 15:50, Rafik Dammak (rafik.dammak at gmail.com) wrote:

> can you also please check about the weight for the votes, it seems
> different between NCUC and NCSG.

The weights are indeed different in NCUC bylaws and NCSG charter,
but historical precedent has been to use NCSG weights also in NCUC
elections. I raised the point with Bill Drake in 2013 when he was
chair and I was in the EC, and he argued (and prevailed) that
precedent and consistency with NCSG was more important.

I believe that's the way it's been done ever since (as well as always
before), including last year (I seem to recall we discussed this then,

For reference, the difference is that in NCSG charter small
organizations get 2 and large organizations 4 votes (more precisely
that's the weight of their votes), in NCUC bylaws small organizations
get 1 and large ones 2 (individuals get one in both).

The current weighted voter list generator assumes NCSG rules (4-2-1),
but changing it is easy enough if you decide to go with 2-1-1 instead.

Tapani Tarvainen

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