[NCUC-EC] Travel to Dublin Meeting

William Drake william.drake at uzh.ch
Thu Jul 16 13:43:36 CEST 2015


Peter I’m really slammed with other work right now so sorry for not replying to you message until now.

> On Jul 5, 2015, at 8:15 PM, PeterGreen <seekcommunications at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Bill, Hi EC people,
> It has been such a pleasure to work with you through the previous 7 months on the EC. For a complete tenure of each of us, the Dublin Meeting is the last meeting in 2015. I strongly propose we get together in Dublin. Although I also do not have any funding support, I do have the best wishes to all of you to be together. We need everyone. I also want to meet Roy in-person.

Yes, it’d be great to see Roy in the flesh
> As @Bill said it may not be possible to get all of us together, let's try it. How about spliting the funds? I mean, since Bill and Stefania are in Europe, it may be cheaper to fly to Dublin. Grace, me, Joao, Roy are in different continents, we need to fly farther than in Europe. 

As I said, my travel will be covered by my At Large role.  Per previous discussions, the first priority with respect to the three slots should be getting active people who are directly involved in key work to the meeting.  In this connection, I support Tapani’s suggestion of Robin.  We should check with others who are doing heavy lifting for us in transition, accountability, privacy, and so on.  If there’s no pull on slots in this manner than we can rotate here.

ICANN does not like to split slots, we did try this sometimes in the past, one person getting hotel, other getting travel.  Constituency Travel didn’t like it, and it may actually be prohibited now in the guidelines they send around, someone could check.

> For the Dublin meeting, I do want and think I would like to work on Internet Goverance stuff in Dublin, Ireland, Europe, the Continent that I would like to penetrate into regarding communication between Europe and Asia. Europe is the last continent that I need to work on. Since I come to NCUC, I got the impression that Europeans do not know Asia very much, especially my country China, so in this thread, I would like to do someting.
> I talked to Walid in BA, and he told me IG sphere is a very good start in Europe. I propose to do an Outreach Event for local Dubliners and Europeans that come to ICANN 54 in terms of Internet Goverance in China as well as an Outreach Work for NCUC for local Chinese. Remember that, we could circulate the Chinese-version NCUC brochrues in Dublin Meeting. Saying this, how about we get the two ideas combined? 

There will be some sort of outreach event geared toward Europeans, as there was in London.  We can form a program team like we did for LAC; I imagine James and Maria would be willing to put some time into this, which would be good, I wouldn’t want to have it all in my lap again.  As a main focus, what’s going on in China probably wouldn't be the issue that would get Europeans into the room, and it’s not what ICANN would fund; we’re there to tell them why they should get involved in NCUC and its work in ICANN.  But we could certainly have a segment about China @ ICANN alongside the other topics.  Alternatively, if you wanted to try to organize a distinct meeting about China you could take that up with JJ, but I suspect the question would be raised why we didn’t do this in Singapore...
> What would you suggest me to do in your views. Of course, before I can do that, I need to apply for some funding support. 
> Besides, Ed wanted me to help him work on the google paltform issue in the GNSO Council. Because ICANN policy documents or comments are shared in Google platform and  people in China and some other Asian countries could not get access to google. That is a problem first identified by Ed. I would like to support him.

Wow, I really think staff should fix that, volunteers shouldn’t have to.  Councilors should take this up.
> And since in Washington in Juanary, Stephanie has been proposing me to do some premininary work with her on following up the privacy issues on the the EWG report. Recently the Issues Report of a PDP would come along.
> There are so many things I would like to make them and see them happen. 
> Or maybe you guys would  have more plans. Let's try. Thank you people.

There are many things to do…

Thanks for the energy, and the blog post :-)


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