[NCUC-EC] Travel to Dublin Meeting

PeterGreen seekcommunications at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 5 20:15:41 CEST 2015

Hi Bill, Hi EC people,
It has been such a pleasure to work with you through the previous 7 months on the EC. For a complete tenure of each of us, the Dublin Meeting is the last meeting in 2015. I strongly propose we get together in Dublin. Although I also do not have any funding support, I do have the best wishes to all of you to be together. We need everyone. I also want to meet Roy in-person.
As @Bill said it may not be possible to get all of us together, let's try it. How about spliting the funds? I mean, since Bill and Stefania are in Europe, it may be cheaper to fly to Dublin. Grace, me, Joao, Roy are in different continents, we need to fly farther than in Europe. 
For the Dublin meeting, I do want and think I would like to work on Internet Goverance stuff in Dublin, Ireland, Europe, the Continent that I would like to penetrate into regarding communication between Europe and Asia. Europe is the last continent that I need to work on. Since I come to NCUC, I got the impression that Europeans do not know Asia very much, especially my country China, so in this thread, I would like to do someting.
I talked to Walid in BA, and he told me IG sphere is a very good start in Europe. I propose to do an Outreach Event for local Dubliners and Europeans that come to ICANN 54 in terms of Internet Goverance in China as well as an Outreach Work for NCUC for local Chinese. Remember that, we could circulate the Chinese-version NCUC brochrues in Dublin Meeting. Saying this, how about we get the two ideas combined? 
What would you suggest me to do in your views. Of course, before I can do that, I need to apply for some funding support. 
Besides, Ed wanted me to help him work on the google paltform issue in the GNSO Council. Because ICANN policy documents or comments are shared in Google platform and  people in China and some other Asian countries could not get access to google. That is a problem first identified by Ed. I would like to support him.
And since in Washington in Juanary, Stephanie has been proposing me to do some premininary work with her on following up the privacy issues on the the EWG report. Recently the Issues Report of a PDP would come along.
There are so many things I would like to make them and see them happen. 
Or maybe you guys would  have more plans. Let's try. Thank you people.

From: ggithaiga at hotmail.com
To: william.drake at uzh.ch; ncuc-ec at lists.ncuc.org
Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2015 17:19:17 +0000
Subject: Re: [NCUC-EC] Travel to Dublin Meeting

Hi BillI agree that it would be nice to sort of have a 'closing' meeting for this EC.  I however have no funding for Dublin. 

From: william.drake at uzh.ch
Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2015 08:58:01 -0500
To: ncuc-ec at lists.ncuc.org
Subject: [NCUC-EC] Travel to Dublin Meeting

I got email from Glen saying we need to identify our covered travelers by 17 July.  It’s getting earlier and earlier..
In principle it would be great if we could somehow get everyone there and have a full EC meeting/dinner to finish off the year, as our terms will come to an end a month or so later.  (yes, people here and elsewhere need to start think about standing for positions, NCSG even earlier)  In practice, it may not be possible but let’s see what the situation is.
Who expects to have coverage from home institutions or ICANN programs? Who would need support?  Two slots to work with.
Bear in mind our previous discussion on this,

On Mar 13, 2015, at 7:43 AM, William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch> wrote:It seems to me based on prior and this conversation that there is recognition of the following sorts of points:
*Everyone understands that travel support is a scarce and precious resource.  When someone travels someone else who might have done something for us does not, so the travelers really do have a moral obligation to be contributing in some manner.  Of course, the ways in which people contribute can take a lot of different forms, but they need to be tangible enough for people to see. While there are better supported parts of the community where relatively passive participation (some call it tourism, a bit rough) is not unknown, in our case we have just a couple slots with which to ensure that NCUC is able to actively and visibly engage in these working meetings in order to advance civil society interests.
*All else being equal, travel opportunities should rotated.  Of course, all things being equal is justifiably an infamous assumption in economics.
*And with regard to rotation, it should be recalled that there has never been a presumption in NCUC that travel support of any kind is de facto for EC members. Historically, if we felt we needed someone to get to a meeting, the EC would allocate funds from our little piggy bank.  As these monies---raised from PIR in particular and at times CGI.br, ISOC, others I’m forgetting―are limited, there really had to be a work-related rationale.  Then a couple years ago ICANN decided to provide 3 slots per constituency; if I recall correctly from the annual budget notations this is still technically considered to be a pilot program, and could be changed.  This allowed us greater flexibility, and since we wanted to encourage EC members to become engaged contributors, we started sharing the slots around here unless there was a compelling reason for a different decision.  But that doesn’t mean that travel support is wired inextricably to EC members, or that simply by being elected one gets travel. Covered travelers need to be doing stuff, or it becomes rather awkward to explain the allocations to other members, or anyone else.
Blending these points, I believe the correct decision model would be sort of
1) Is there someone we really need to have at a particular meeting because of activity they’re involved in, e.g. an important WG meeting negotiating a text or whatever; if yes they should be seriously considered for support, if not then all things are sort of equal so
2) Support is rotated among elected (and I’d argue, appointed, i.e. NCSG EC and PC) representatives so everyone gets a chance to participate and deepen their engagement.  

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