[NCUC-DISCUSS] NCUC Candidate Statements-Sara Mohamed

Sara Ali saraaliahm639 at gmail.com
Thu May 23 11:16:35 CEST 2024

*Dear All,*

 I hope this email find you well,

I am honored to share my candidate statement to serve on EC as a
representative of Africa region.

I am Sara Mohamed, a female telecommunications engineer living in Sudan. I
work for Zain Sudan, a mobile company. To the best of my knowledge, I do
not have any conflicts of interest.

*1.     ** Why do you want to serve on the EC?*

Since becoming an ICANN and Youth IGF Member in 2016, I have been
introduced to a world dedicated to seeking equality and justice for
internet end users. I have always been passionate about internet governance
issues, and now I have the opportunity to contribute more by representing
my region and supporting the policy-making process.

*2.     ** Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations,
and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee. Describe
the relevance of your personal and professional experience to serve on
the NCUC Executive Committee, and identify any conflicts of interests you
might have.*

I have been a member of Youth IGF Sudan since its establishment, during
which time I have conducted sessions and raised awareness about internet
governance, particularly at universities. Currently, I am a facilitator at
PAYAIG—The Pan-African Youth Ambassadors for Internet Governance—which aims
to empower young Africans to take an active role in shaping the Global
Digital Compact (GDC) and promote National and Regional IGF initiatives
(NRIs). Also In my current position at Zain, we are striving to provide
voice and data communication under very challenging circumstances in Sudan.
This experience strengthens my belief in my purpose to serve the African
region as a representative.

*3.     ** The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the
Constituency. What level of time commitment can you bring to your EC role
on a weekly and overall basis? Describe any concerns or limitations on your
ability to attend online meetings of the Executive Committee and ICANN
Meetings in person.*

Time management is my forte, especially in the telecom field where
organizing time efficiently is crucial to maximizing productivity.
Additionally, my passion for serving my people provides me with even
greater motivation. Therefore, I am fully committed to dedicating all the
necessary hours, and more, to my work on EC.

*4.     ** Communication with the membership is critical. How would you
keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?*

  As part of my responsibilities as a Regional Representative, I will
ensure that members from my region are informed about and respond to calls
for comments from the Policy Committee, Working Groups, and other ICANN
policy development activities. I will promptly reply to all such requests
from the Policy Committee and will be available for all inquiries, ensuring
responses within a self-imposed time frame.

*5.     * *How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in
the future? What areas of ICANN policy, if any, need more attention and
why? Incumbent candidates should answer in a manner that is both backward
and forward-looking, i.e. taking note of their contributions and work in
the previous year.*

The newcomer involvement and knowledge sharing within NCUC is open to
volunteers from around the globe. Having been a newcomer myself, I
initially had trouble understanding the roles of EC members and how I could
get involved in the policy process. To support new members, I would like to
share PowerPoint presentations on a regular basis in discussion groups that
contain all the necessary information about NCUC and ways to get involved,
facilitating greater engagement in the future.

*Best regards,*

Sara Mohamed

Transport Operations Engineer

Zain SD

Mobile/Whatsapp : +249924544994/+249912314864

Email : saraaliahm639 at gmail.com/ Sara.Amohamed at sd.zain.com

Web : www.sd.zain.com

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/sara-ali-b485a31aa/
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