[NCUC-DISCUSS] NCUC Policy Course Program - for comments

Ayden FĂ©rdeline icann at ferdeline.com
Mon Jan 15 08:30:20 CET 2018

Thanks, Renata-

I have added some comments to the Google Doc. In a nutshell, I hope this course is not obsessively focused on procedure and on rhetoric, but helps our members understand how to come up with the very substance that supports an information-rich, evidence-informed public comment. Our goal should be to draft statements and other documents that support appropriate and informed decision-making; I'm not seeing that in the proposal that ICANN consultants have drafted here.

On evaluation, I see that "a post-training webinar w[ill] be conducted to solicit feedback from those NCUC members who participated in the webinar and face-to-face training on the effectiveness of that training." In my opinion, the ultimate measure of success is not self-reported satisfaction, but a measurable increase in the numbers of public comments wholly drafted by participants in this program.

Best wishes, Ayden

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [NCUC-DISCUSS] NCUC Policy Course Program - for comments
> Local Time: 15 January 2018 4:27 AM
> UTC Time: 15 January 2018 03:27
> From: raquino at gmail.com
> To: NCUC-discuss <ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>
> Dear members
> Our NCUC Policy Course at ICANN61 preparations are ongoing.
> We have a program now for the course and we would like you to comment on it until 17 Jan
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/12n-i56ksjCXUbkqhIsdLmEWG72R-q8Xzv0QQ9RuXSu8/edit?usp=sharing
> Apologies on the short deadline but this is just the outline of the course, we will have many more activities and opportunities to participate following this.
> Thanks
> Renata
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