[NCUC-DISCUSS] Nomination of David Cake for NCUC Chair

Robin Gross robin at ipjustice.org
Mon Oct 9 22:01:56 CEST 2017


I’d like to nominate David Cake for Chair of NCUC in the upcoming annual election.  

As most of you are aware, David Cake has more than a decade of ICANN experience and has served as the chair of Electronic Frontiers Australia, a former NCSG GNSO Councilor, and a former NCUC Chair several years ago.  

David has earned the respect of many leaders in the ICANN community over the years with his deep knowledge of technical issues regarding the DNS and his unique understanding of their impact on the human rights of Internet users.  

Particularly at a time when NCUC is experiencing tremendous positive growth and ICANN is undergoing significant changes, having a knowledgable and experienced captain steering the ship through the rocky waters would be a tremendous benefit to our members in my view.  Thank you.


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