[NCUC-DISCUSS] Raoul Plommer's Report from Hyderabad

KASWESHA kaswesha at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 12:22:14 CET 2016

Haven't gone through the entire report Raoul but hope this is not out of
anger for some members showing direct support for Tatiana your only
opponent in the ongoing elections! My vote is on your favor though.

*Cell-Phone +254 722 212171 or +254 721 274273*

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On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 1:47 PM, Raoul Plommer <plommer at gmail.com> wrote:

> Report from Hyderabad:
> This is going to be a little lengthy, for I am going to list the sessions
> I attended in ICANN57. Before we get to that though, I'd like to tell you
> what concrete things I did while in Hyderabad.
> Right at the start, I wanted to "get a case", which I did, when Milton
> told me of the outrageous imbalance of the NomCom
> <https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/nomcom-2013-12-13-en> seats (1/7
> for the Non-commercial interests). From then on, I was trying to meet other
> SG's and the board's leaders, to discuss said imbalance and I think I did
> quite well with that. I was talking to Rubens Kuhl, Reg Levy, Zoe Bonython
> and finally, in the plane Rinalia Abdul Rahim and they all seemed very
> sympathetic to this issue, which I also raised at the Public Forum
> <https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154755999813556&set=a.432521718555.211342.614518555&type=3>.
> Most of them seemed actually surprised to hear that we only had one seat. I
> am going to pursue this in the future too.
> I also got my hands finally dirty with the actual paperwork, that was in
> the form of Bylaws changing operation. I decided to intervene, when I
> realised that the bylaws are being changed without having a clear view,
> what the changes will be actually like. For this I made the tabled version
> of the bylaws that makes comaprison much easier. I suggest we use my
> format
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oMzuQglPSIeWjrZOzdJgjZUi2QdYwdxXfRe_SWuvmcY/edit>
> in the future for the purposes of amending already existing documents.
> On top of this, I concentrated on networking. I got a few nice leads, of
> which two of them were starting up cooperation in South Africa and Mexico -
> on opening up their data and creating a new chapter for the Open Knowledge
> International. That's the most concrete things I could think of. I hope it
> was more, but I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of this. Please
> be patient with me and my questions. :)
> Thursday 3.11.2016
> How It Works: DNS Fundamentals
> How It Works: Internet Networking
> GNSO Non Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) Outreach
> How it Works: Root Server Operations
> GNSO NCSG ICANN & Human Rights - Past, Present and Possible Futures
> Friday 4.11.2016
> How It Works: DNS Fundamentals
> GAC update on IANA Transition
> ICANN Bylaws changes and role of the GAC
> GAC meeting with the GNSO
> ICANN Bylaws changes and role of the GAC (session 2)
> ICANN Bylaw changes and the role of the GAC (session 2 - part 2)European
> stakeholders' networking drinks
> Saturday 5.11.2016
> ICANN57 Opening Ceremony
> Contractual Compliance Program Updates and Q&A Session
> Public Forum 1
> Sunday 6.11.2016
> GNSO Non-Contracted Parties House Meeting – NCSG & CSG [C]
> GAC session on the TMCH Review
> Non Commercial Users Constituency NCUC
> Joint Meeting: ICANN Board & Commercial Stakeholders Group
> Non Commercial Stakeholder Group Open Meeting
> Joint At-Large APRALO Showcase and Civil Society Networking Event
> Monday 7.11.2016
> GAC Elections
> GNSO Intellectual Property Constituency Open Meeting (Part 2)
> ICANN Bylaws changes and role of the GAC
> Joint Meeting: ICANN Board and GNSO
> Tuesday 8.11.2016
> GAC Working Group Recommendations - for discussion and decision
> Public Forum 2
> GNSO Non Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) Bylaws Change
> IANA Stewardship Transition: A Community Thank You
> ********
> I would've done this report already last night, but coincidentally, I've
> actually been put into the biggest social media/media hassle in my life at
> this exact time. I've given an anonymous interview for slavejobs in Finland
> because of a FB-page I've started and for the last four days, I've been
> fighting the lies of True Finns party rag, that is making blatant lies that
> infuriate people that are not capable of media critique. I've never got
> this much attention in the media before and of course it had to happen at
> this crucial time. I could simply not ignore it. C'est la vie.
> Respectfully yours,
> Raoul
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