[NCUC-DISCUSS] Raoul Plommer's Report from Hyderabad

Raoul Plommer plommer at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 13:14:58 CET 2016

I was requested for this, so I here's the report. I'm really trying so you
haven't supported me for nothing. :)


On 21 November 2016 at 13:22, KASWESHA <kaswesha at gmail.com> wrote:

> Haven't gone through the entire report Raoul but hope this is not out of
> anger for some members showing direct support for Tatiana your only
> opponent in the ongoing elections! My vote is on your favor though.
> *Cell-Phone +254 722 212171 <%2B254%20722%20212171> or +254 721 274273
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> Before printing this mail make sure it is completely necessary. THE
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 1:47 PM, Raoul Plommer <plommer at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Report from Hyderabad:
>> This is going to be a little lengthy, for I am going to list the sessions
>> I attended in ICANN57. Before we get to that though, I'd like to tell you
>> what concrete things I did while in Hyderabad.
>> Right at the start, I wanted to "get a case", which I did, when Milton
>> told me of the outrageous imbalance of the NomCom
>> <https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/nomcom-2013-12-13-en> seats (1/7
>> for the Non-commercial interests). From then on, I was trying to meet other
>> SG's and the board's leaders, to discuss said imbalance and I think I did
>> quite well with that. I was talking to Rubens Kuhl, Reg Levy, Zoe Bonython
>> and finally, in the plane Rinalia Abdul Rahim and they all seemed very
>> sympathetic to this issue, which I also raised at the Public Forum
>> <https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154755999813556&set=a.432521718555.211342.614518555&type=3>.
>> Most of them seemed actually surprised to hear that we only had one seat. I
>> am going to pursue this in the future too.
>> I also got my hands finally dirty with the actual paperwork, that was in
>> the form of Bylaws changing operation. I decided to intervene, when I
>> realised that the bylaws are being changed without having a clear view,
>> what the changes will be actually like. For this I made the tabled version
>> of the bylaws that makes comaprison much easier. I suggest we use my
>> format
>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oMzuQglPSIeWjrZOzdJgjZUi2QdYwdxXfRe_SWuvmcY/edit>
>> in the future for the purposes of amending already existing documents.
>> On top of this, I concentrated on networking. I got a few nice leads, of
>> which two of them were starting up cooperation in South Africa and Mexico -
>> on opening up their data and creating a new chapter for the Open Knowledge
>> International. That's the most concrete things I could think of. I hope it
>> was more, but I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of this. Please
>> be patient with me and my questions. :)
>> Thursday 3.11.2016
>> How It Works: DNS Fundamentals
>> How It Works: Internet Networking
>> GNSO Non Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) Outreach
>> How it Works: Root Server Operations
>> GNSO NCSG ICANN & Human Rights - Past, Present and Possible Futures
>> Friday 4.11.2016
>> How It Works: DNS Fundamentals
>> GAC update on IANA Transition
>> ICANN Bylaws changes and role of the GAC
>> GAC meeting with the GNSO
>> ICANN Bylaws changes and role of the GAC (session 2)
>> ICANN Bylaw changes and the role of the GAC (session 2 - part 2)European
>> stakeholders' networking drinks
>> Saturday 5.11.2016
>> ICANN57 Opening Ceremony
>> Contractual Compliance Program Updates and Q&A Session
>> Public Forum 1
>> Sunday 6.11.2016
>> GNSO Non-Contracted Parties House Meeting – NCSG & CSG [C]
>> GAC session on the TMCH Review
>> Non Commercial Users Constituency NCUC
>> Joint Meeting: ICANN Board & Commercial Stakeholders Group
>> Non Commercial Stakeholder Group Open Meeting
>> Joint At-Large APRALO Showcase and Civil Society Networking Event
>> Monday 7.11.2016
>> GAC Elections
>> GNSO Intellectual Property Constituency Open Meeting (Part 2)
>> ICANN Bylaws changes and role of the GAC
>> Joint Meeting: ICANN Board and GNSO
>> Tuesday 8.11.2016
>> GAC Working Group Recommendations - for discussion and decision
>> Public Forum 2
>> GNSO Non Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) Bylaws Change
>> IANA Stewardship Transition: A Community Thank You
>> ********
>> I would've done this report already last night, but coincidentally, I've
>> actually been put into the biggest social media/media hassle in my life at
>> this exact time. I've given an anonymous interview for slavejobs in Finland
>> because of a FB-page I've started and for the last four days, I've been
>> fighting the lies of True Finns party rag, that is making blatant lies that
>> infuriate people that are not capable of media critique. I've never got
>> this much attention in the media before and of course it had to happen at
>> this crucial time. I could simply not ignore it. C'est la vie.
>> Respectfully yours,
>> Raoul
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