[NCUC-DISCUSS] [Info] Call for candidates for NCUC Delegate to the ICANN 2017 Nominating Committee

Dan Krimm dan at musicunbound.com
Tue Aug 2 21:53:01 CEST 2016

At 8:11 PM +0200 8/2/16, William Drake wrote:
>Hi Dan
>>On Aug 2, 2016, at 19:02, Dan Krimm
>><<mailto:dan at musicunbound.com>dan at musicunbound.com> wrote:
>>So it was a sort of triumvirate, where one individual had the actual
>>decision-making power (and made the largest time commitment), but the
>>veteran was available on-call for advice and institutional memory, while a
>>less-experienced individual was systematically looking-in and learning the
>>ropes as an observer.
>>This would probably be a bit cumbersome for all NCUC representative
>>positions, but if the learning curve issue is important enough in this
>>case, perhaps something from this idea might be incorporated for this case?
>Thanks for the interesting suggestion.  But again, NomCom members sign a
>NonDisclosure Agreement and participate on a confidential basis.  NCUC
>doesn't get to change the rules and have a second person, no way ICANN or
>other parts of the community go for this.  I suppose one could conceive of
>such a thing for GNSO Council, but not the NomCom.

Ah, didn't know about the non-disclosure requirement.  Yeah, that obviously
nixes this idea in this context (unless NomCom would agree to a limited
number of NDA-bound non-voting observers).

However, I thought I'd put the concept out there generally, because
institutional memory and experience is a constant challenge in any
volunteer-driven organization.  This idea is one I've only seen once
elsewhere but seemed useful in that context.  Not sure why it only popped
up in my head now, but I figured I'd grab it while it was salient for me
and offer it for broader consideration by this all-volunteer group.

In any case, I wonder if former NomCom reps might still be available to new
ones for an orientation session?  Is there anything that can be presented
about how NomCom generally works "informally" (how to best get up to speed
in the first year) that would not violate the NDA?  Can a "handbook" be
created for new NomCom reps?

Something to think about for after you term out.  Is there some way we can
avoid having each newbie have to reinvent the wheel from scratch?  I
suppose something like this might already happen informally, but even if so
I also wonder if there is any utility to formalizing it a bit by writing it
down (and having each current rep keep it up to date)?


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