[NCUC-DISCUSS] Norway on ATRT2...

Carlos A. Afonso ca at cafonso.ca
Mon Jul 15 09:10:22 CEST 2013

There is a short statement from Norway on the ATRT2 process, and I quote 
this final paragraph:

"Our experience is that the GAC advice to the ICANN Board has been 
moving in the direction of being more detailed and operational then 
before ICANN started to go deep into the new gTLD process. We believe 
that the GAC advice in most cases should be kept to the level of 
principles. One good example is the GAC principles regarding new gTLDs 
from 2007 including the protection of geographic names in paragraph 2.2. 
What we experienced was that the ICANN Board did not interpret this 
advice and using it when developing the Applicant Guidebook. The GAC 
then saw the need to provide more detailed advice to provide further 
guidance on the principles. While recognizing that the ICANN Board and 
the GAC had much good interaction during this difficult process, we 
believe that we must expect a high level of expertise and quality of the 
ICANN Board, to be able to analyze principle advice and implement this 
into policy. This issue also has relation to the question on Board 
performance, quality and skills set. It is the ICANN Board that does 
make decisions, and the Board members should hold the level of expertise 
to take the responsibility for implementing principles into policy. This 
is something we would like the ATRT2 to focus on."

I remember seeing in our list the argument that the GAC formal request 
for protection of geographic names in 2007 never existed or something 
like this. It was actually ignored by the board and staff in elaborating 
the App.Guidebook, as Norway confirms.


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