Results of the Chartering process

Ron Wickersham rjw at ITSMYINTERNET.ORG
Tue Jun 28 23:29:07 CEST 2011

On Tue, 28 Jun 2011, Mary.Wong at LAW.UNH.EDU wrote:

> Hi - I support the concept of a CC in both the CSG and the NCSG.
> Not that it's NCSG business to push for one in the CSG, but the
> possibility should clear the way for a purely NC CC to be formed
> within the NCSG. If one does eventually form within the CSG, the
> two CCs could work together to advance a fuller consumer agenda
> and awareness. For now, the CC that could form within the NCSG
> will have to follow both the newly-approved constituency formation
> process AND abide by the new NCSG Charter (once formally approved
> by the NCSG membership).

With the ability an individual to join up to 3 Constituencies, the
possibility exists that one could join CC-CSG to represent their
organization and the CC-NCSG to represent their personal interests.

> On a possible Academic Constituency, Rosemary and I thought it would
> make sense given (1) the number of individuals that are academics and
> researchers who span a number of specialty areas, from technical to
> law to political science and who are already involved in NC issues;
> (2) the possibility that NCSG members can join more than one
> constituency; (3) the possibility that some academics and researchers
> may wish to be more closely associated with an Academic Constituency
> than any other and so choose to join that rather than, say, NCUC or
> CC; (4) the indications from the Board, Nom Com etc. that greater
> academic participation at ICANN is to be welcomed; and (5) the value
> that an Academic Constituency may be able to provide, in the form of
> papers, public comments and so on.

With the CC proposed to be in both the NCSG and CSG, shouldn't we
encourage formation of Academic in both non-commercial and commercial
with the existence of the for-profit academic community?

For the organizers of the NC Academic Constituency, the charter should
be inclusive of non-affiliated scholars.


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