NPOC Q&A Document

Milton L Mueller mueller at SYR.EDU
Tue Nov 9 17:33:49 CET 2010

> -----Original Message-----
> What I am arguing is that the position itself does not make one unqualified
> for NCSG membership.    I again refer to the model of the NCSG as a broad
> tent for differing opinions from the non-commercial stakeholders.

This is exactly correct. We have already had significant disagreements within NCUC and NCSG about issues such as Whois and trademarks, going back ten years. So there is nothing wrong with individuals or organizations such as Amber or Deborah joining and making the case for those positions. 

What _is_ wrong is for constituencies to be based on policy differences. As David Cake's earlier message said, 

"The NPOCs entire existence appears predicated on the idea 
that if two groups of essentially similar organisations have policy 
differences, the only possible solution is to leap immediately to 
forming a new Constituency."

Once that principle gets established, then we could have literally 30-50 different "constituencies" because the noncommercial groups in different parts of the world or with different ideologies all have different policy positions and perspectives. And none of them would have to talk to each other or work together, they would simply go for their own guaranteed seats on the Council etc. 

And if you _don't_ end up with all these constituencies then at some point you have to impose a cutoff that arbitrarily privileges those constituencies that happened to be formed first, and penalizes those that want to be formed later. 

This is why the NCUC leadership opposed the Constituency-silo model from the beginning. It doesn't scale, and it prevents rational policy development. 
>From From:         =?iso-8859-1?Q?"Kleinwächter,_Wolfgang"?= Tue Nov  9 21:27:21 EET 2010
Date:         Tue, 9 Nov 2010 20:27:21 +0100
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From:         =?iso-8859-1?Q?"Kleinwächter,_Wolfgang"?              <wolfgang.kleinwaechter at MEDIENKOMM.UNI-HALLE.DE>
Subject:      AW: NPOC Q&A Document
X-To:         Amber Sterling <asterling at AAMC.ORG>
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Thanks Amber for the professional PR effort.

I understand the whole saga now a little bit better. However my two questions remain unanswered.

You say that 20 organisations are behind you but you can not disclose their names now. Why not? It would give your application more strengths if people would know who is behind you. Unavoidly you feed a motion of "conspiracy" with this type of secrecy. Transparency is a key principle within ICANN. If you start your journey into the ICANN family by ignoring the principle of transparency this would be very bad. So please give us the names of the 20 organisations. Probably it would be useful if you would look into the open and transparent procedure how ALAC recognizes its members, the "At Large Structures" (ALSs). lt would be also ngood to clarify your psoition with regard to the At Large Community in ICANN.

I am also not satisfied with your answer to my second question regarding outreach. You say this is "a journey, not a destination". Okay, but just listing the "underserved" regions without any concrete report about previous activities in these regions and a plan about forthcoming activities or at least a list of contacts to organisations, individuals etc. is just bad blabla. Also here, please give us more concrete details.




Von: Amber Sterling [mailto:asterling at AAMC.ORG]
Gesendet: Mo 08.11.2010 16:26
Betreff: NPOC Q&A Document

Hi All,

Thank you for your questions and patience.  Attached is the Q&A document we created to address your questions about the NPOC.  We will send updated information regarding our membership towards the end of November.

Kind regards,


Amber Sterling

Senior Intellectual Property Specialist

Association of American Medical Colleges

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