End of the Crocker game? (Re: Time to stop playing (Re: [ncdnhc-discuss] Board conflict of interest on .org))

Marc Schneiders marc at fuchsia.bijt.net
Fri May 17 23:20:09 CEST 2002

On Fri, 17 May 2002, at 13:31 [=GMT-0700], Dave Crocker wrote:
> At 10:09 PM 5/17/2002 +0200, Marc Schneiders wrote:
> >The meeting records show that Dr. Blokzijl's wife was there in some
> >capacity related to Neulevel.
> that is only one of a set of requisite facts, needed to substantiate a
> claim of misbehavior.

Really? What I read on icannwatch.org was about a _possible_ conflict of
interest. As has been shown on this list by Weinberg, Blokzijl should have
taken action when his wife was hired by Neulevel, and even more so when
.ORG was under discussion. under the COI rules. He should know them. He is
on the COI committee. COI policy is not about foul play, but about
avoiding any possible thought about foul play. The fact that people think
that there might be foul play, is in fact nearly enough to constitute a

> milton was willing to make a claim of misbehavior, with none of that
> substantiation.

Let's assume Milton did that. You also made allegations against Milton. He
denied these. Where is your substantiation?? And where is Blokzijl's
denial? Or are the rules different for people who are paid by ICANN? Do
what you demand of others yourself.

> >Well, for the record: Dave Crocker made an allegation against Milton
> >Mueller. This was denied within an hour by Milton Mueller.
> Where has Milton publicly offered this denial?

Unless you filter Milton: in your inbox. I am looking forward to find
something similar from Blokzijl in mine. Soon.

marc at icould.org

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