[ncdnhc-discuss] ISOC to bid on .org

James Love james.love at cptech.org
Fri Jun 7 18:01:01 CEST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kent Crispin" <kent at songbird.com>
: Your question is, as usual, irrelevant to the point that I made,

   Kent.  This is insulting and unnecessarily confrontational.

: but to
: answer it anyway, no, I have no complaints whatsoever about the
: qualifications of the CIRA elected board members or the decisions they
: have made.  A difficulty with an election process says nothing at all
: about the characteristics of the winners.

     In my opinion, an election process that is fair, open, and which
produced good results, has a lot of advantages.

: Just to reiterate my point, since you seemed to have deliberately
: ignored it: a 3% turnout is not usually considered to be very good, and
: in fact, many people would call it an "apparent difficulty".  I'm sure
: that CIRA is hoping for a larger turnout this year.

     I don't know what the appropriate turnout is.   This isn't an election
for a member of parliament.   If the CIRA was screwing up, I imagine the
voter turn out would be much larger.    I'm personally not surprised that
most .ca domain holders don't have strong feelings about the board.    Maybe
that is a sign that things are not too screwed up.

: There are numerous other issues with your example I could mention -- the
: CIRA election is a very different kettle of fish than the global
: elections that have been demanded of ICANN.  The CIRA elections are in
: one country with one legal jurisdiction; the potential electorate is
: much smaller; the level of cultural diversity in Canada doesn't compare
: with the worldwide cultural diversity encountered in the ICANN
: elections; CIRA dealt with 2 languages, ICANN would have to deal with a
: very large number of languages; etc etc etc.

: Just one more thing: In your usual steaming inneundo style you said
: above "Kent, as someone hired by ICANN for at-large.org..."
: I was not "hired by ICANN for at-large.org".  I registered the domain
: name "at-large.org" back before you heard of DNS, in support of an
: "at-large constituency" for the DNSO (that was an old term for an
: individuals constituency).  I have donated that domain name to the at
: large organizing efforts, and as soon as I can get the paperwork to
: Joker.com, the registrant information will reflect that:

     Kent "usual steaming innuendo style" has its own innuendo.   You could
have easily have noted that since your name is on the domain, and since you
have been active in many of the discussions regarding these issues, for some
time, and are one of the more visible ICANN staff members on these issues,
and for years you ran the NCC elections, and worked on the DNSO election
software, and have strong opinions about the CIRA elections, people have
assumed that you had something more to do with at-large.org.    If you have
nothing to do with at-large.org, fine.  Who does?

: --
: Kent Crispin                               "Be good, and you will be
: kent at songbird.com                          lonesome."  -- Mark Twain
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