[NCUC E-team] Members without good email

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Fri Nov 7 14:55:18 CET 2014

On Nov 07 22:47, Rafik Dammak (rafik.dammak at gmail.com) wrote:

> for NCSG, we are trying to avoid the situation from the application review
> and ask people to put another representative.

If there was such a rule I could easily ask Effi to nominate
another representative (and one who isn't NCUC member), but
as noted I'd feel a bit silly, because then it'd also be
someone who isn't really involved and would anyway ask
me how to vote. :-)

> the charter also indicate that we shouldn't accept many individuals
> from the same organziation,

Yes, at the discretion of the EC. But I don't see any rule
that'd allow depriving them of vote once accepted as members.

> but yes currently, we have some cases of individual being also a
> representative of an organization.

And there's nothing in NCSG charter against that.

> I dont ask necessarily for different address mail but using the
> trick like adding "+individual" to the mail address so he.she can
> receive the 2 ballots

Unfortunately that does not work in all cases, but it is convenient
when it does.

On Nov 07 08:48, Brenden Kuerbis (bkuerbis at internetgovernance.org) wrote:

> I agree with Tapani's assessment here. It doesn't strike me a problematic
> (and has happened only a handful of times). But to avoid any perception
> problems, maybe the EC should just enforce ICANN's operational policy
> requiring unique emails for ballots.

Well, it has to be enforced as long as we use ICANN's voting software,
which does enforce it (which is also the reason I put the restriction
in NCUC member database as well).

Tapani Tarvainen

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