[Pt53] Progressing the NCUC Outreach Event in BA

Analia Aspis analia.aspis at gmail.com
Thu May 21 15:06:58 CEST 2015

Dear Bill,

Thank you very much for your mail. I would very much volunteer to contact
not only the list that we have so far but also update it with new comers,
so to introduce them to NCUC work for further discrussions (focusing on
academia and civil society).

I do understand, in order to send the invitation, at least have a draft
agenda, day and time, the rest I can do it myself.

Lastly, I do introduce Adela Goberna, my reseasrch assistant, that will
help me with all the work until our meeting in Buenos Aires, so we will be
dealing as well with the mailing on my behalf.

To resume:

1. We have already a draft agenda?
2. We do have day and time and place?
3. May I contact all the regional contact that may be interested? I can
very well contact them in Spanish, based on an English prior draft if

4. Then after, we can talk about logistics.


On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 8:43 AM, William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch> wrote:

> Hello
> So on the 13th I wrote to Rodrigo de la Parra, Cc Analia and Stefi, asking
> for help with contacts in the LAC region. It seems he doesn’t have a data
> base of LAC civil society contacts and mostly just defaults to contacting
> people involved in LACRALO
> https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=2266164 and
> Valeria and Carlos.  He also suggested that useful mail lists include
> -RedLatam: redlatam at lists.accessnow.org
> -Caucus de Gobernanza de Internet de LAC: alc-cmsi at gn.apc.org
> -LACNIC & Sociedad Civil: civilsoc at lacnic.net
> -Lista de participantes al LACIGF (están todos los stakeholders, no sólo
> miembros de la sociedad civil: lacigf at lacnic.net
> So as far as I know, this is where we stand, and have not moved further
> forward.  The event is just one month away now, so I think we need to get
> going.  ICANN staff presumably will soon post the meeting schedule, and we
> will need to supply a text describing the session.  Which means we should
> settle on the substantive agenda.  And more importantly, we need to start
> moving on assembling the list of invitees, and to keep track of who’s
> inviting them and what the status is etc.
> *Re: Agenda, *
> On May 6, 2015, at 9:16 AM, William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch> wrote:
> for reference, here is what we did in DC, which worked very well, but of
> course we could spin differently here if we want:
> 1.     Participant Introductions
> 2.     Brief introduction of NCUC @ ICANN
> 3.     2-3 minute introductions of issues NCUC works on in ICANN, e.g.
> • IANA and the transitioning of US  (Matt Shears)
> • Accountability mechanisms in the context of globalization (Matt Shears)
> • Human rights generally (Bill Drake)
> • Privacy and registry services (Stephanie Perrin)
> • Access to knowledge and intellectual property (Kathy Kleiman)
> • Freedom of expression (David Cake)
> • Development (Rafik Dammak)
> • ICANN in broader Internet governance, e.g. NETmundial Initiative, IGF
> (Bill Drake)
> Comments:
> *I’d suggest the same basic concept, we quickly tee up what we do in
> ICANN, we ask attendees to highlight their activities and interests, and
> then we go to open discussion of how to link the two, to the extent this is
> desired.
> *I’d add a 2 minute ICANN welcome from JJ Sahel before the intro of NCUC.
> He got us the funding and is a friendly.
> *Are there other more locally relevant topics people think should be
> added, like geo-names?  Also Carlos suggests legal jurisdiction.  Are there
> topics you’d suggest taking off the list?  These *are* the things we do
> though...
> *Re: people to offer boot-up remarks, please note that this session will
> happen at the same time as the GNSO Council meeting, alas.  So Stephanie
> and David will not be available, we’d need others to cover privacy and
> FoE.  Many choices there…also we’ll have our human rights go-to folks
> there, Niels and Monika, so they could cover that instead of me.
> *Re: Invitees*
> Again the list is at
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gRnbG-zlSzke5D2bQO30yXAu2kXxfuLNXIRL1jwj9v0/edit?pli=1
> It has not been added to in some time.  Contacting some of the LACRALO
> people and others, in Spanish and Portuguese, would seem the logical next
> steps….
> *Any and all help appreciated in getting this going.  *
> Thanks
> Bill
> *********************************************************
> William J. Drake
> International Fellow & Lecturer
>   Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ
>   University of Zurich, Switzerland
> Chair, Noncommercial Users Constituency,
>   ICANN, www.ncuc.org
> william.drake at uzh.ch (direct), wjdrake at gmail.com (lists),
>   www.williamdrake.org
> *Internet Governance: The NETmundial Roadmap *http://goo.gl/sRR01q
> *********************************************************
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