[Pt53] Welcome to the Planning List for NCUC's Regional Outreach Session at ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires

Analia Aspis analia.aspis at gmail.com
Thu May 7 01:13:03 CEST 2015

Dear Valeria and all,

I do support your point. For a multinguistic perspective, is possible
generate content in Spanish, would be not only excellent but as well a
signal of the necessity to include regional participation. If we continue
in this trend, I ll be happy to help


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 12:04 PM, Valeria Betancourt <valeriab at apc.org>

> Hash: SHA512
> Hi all,
> On 06/05/15 2:16, William Drake wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> >> On May 5, 2015, at 10:40 PM, Analia Aspis
> >> <analia.aspis at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> Dear all,
> >>
> >> As a local, I do have the feeling that people would be interested
> >> in understand -in a simple way- the main aspects of ICANN's
> >> functions
> >
> > Hope so!
> I think this is real need. In complement, it would be extremely useful
> to produce resources in advance that contributes to understand such
> functions from a civil society perspective. We are willing to join any
> effort around this area.
> >
> >> for then later focus on NCUC work and finally what are the
> >> possibilities to get involver in our group and what we are
> >> willing for them. Of course, he can listen those participants who
> >> are more involved in the current ICANN's agenda discussion but I
> >> do think it would be a great goal to present opportunities and
> >> ways to join us as well as to highlights the next steps.
> >
> > Yes, that is why this one in a series of outreach events funded by
> > the Global Stakeholder Engagement budget.  BTW Jean Jacques as the
> > funding staffer will want to say 3 min at the front on what is
> > ICANN and where does CS fit.  But just a couple slides, not the 40
> > he sent me on the eve of the London outreach meeting that I had to
> > nix.
> >
> >>
> >> In this sense, I would like to include in other organizations or
> >> people which could be related to NCUC even though their first
> >> approach is not necesarily ICT.
> >
> > Makes sense
> >
> > For reference, here is what we did in DC, which worked very well,
> > but of course we could spin differently here if we want:
> >
> > 1.     Participant Introductions
> >
> > 2.     Brief introduction of NCUC @ ICANN
> >
> > 3.     2-3 minute introductions of issues NCUC works on in ICANN,
> > e.g.
> >
> > • IANA and the transitioning of US  (Matt Shears)
> >
> > • Accountability mechanisms in the context of globalization (Matt
> > Shears)
> >
> > • Human rights generally (Bill Drake)
> >
> > • Privacy and registry services (Stephanie Perrin)
> >
> > • Access to knowledge and intellectual property (Kathy Kleiman)
> >
> > • Freedom of expression (David Cake)
> >
> > • Development (Rafik Dammak)
> >
> > • ICANN in broader Internet governance, e.g. NETmundial Initiative,
> > IGF (Bill Drake)
> >
> > 4.     Inputs from local participants on how these and related
> > issues are being addressed in
> >
> > Washington DC and beyond
> >
> > 5.  Open integrative discussion
> Sounds good.
> Valeria
> >
> > Bill
> >
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> > PT53 at lists.ncuc.org
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> >
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