[Pt53] Invitation Materials

João Carlos Rebello Caribé caribe at entropia.blog.br
Thu Jun 18 03:54:14 CEST 2015


I created one Facebook event inside the ICANN 53 Fellowship Community, bellow the status until now, obviously there was some on the "invited" status that will participate or was invited on the other way. Marilia sent trough Janice an invitation to entire Fellowship group too.

Name	Status
Joao Carlos Caribe	Confirmed
Mir Sos	Confirmed
Maritza Yesenia Aguero Miñano	Confirmed
Krishna Kumar	Confirmed
Shavkat Sabirov	Confirmed
Raitme Citterio	Confirmed
Renata Aquino Ribeiro	Confirmed
Mauricio Oviedo	Invited
Martin Silva Valent	Invited
Ahmed Saeed	Invited
Hamza Ben Mehrez	Invited
Coppens Ndayiragije	Invited
Rim Hayat	Invited
Lacier Dias	Invited
Gabriel Ramokotko	Invited
Rafik Dammak	Invited
Antonio Marcos Alberti	Invited
Marc Antoine Ridoré	Invited
Jia He	Invited
Kim Hendi	Invited
Fátima Cambronero	Invited
Shabnam Sh	Invited
Gabriela Gijón	Invited
Bionda Fonseca- Hoeve	Invited
Aris Ignacio	Invited
Mamadou Lo	Invited
Jania Lopez Herrera	Invited
Etuate Cocker	Invited
Alagie Ceesay	Invited
Ade Goberna	Invited
Fernando Legrand	Invited
Victor Fernandes	Invited
Rao Naveed Bin Rais	Invited
Alyne Andrade	Invited
Ian Mitchell	Invited
Nacho Estrada	Invited
Israel Rosas	Invited
Bruno Duarte	Invited
Jesús Rivera	Invited
Igor Mkrtumyan	Invited
Fabricio Pessoa	Invited
Nadira Alaraj	Invited
Alejandra Reynoso	Invited
John L. Forman	Invited
Osama Tamimi	Invited
Tattu Mambetalieva	Invited
Daniel Fink	Invited
Lia Solis M	Invited
Isaias Mercado	Invited
Noia Simona	Invited
Farzaneh Badii	Invited
Leon Felipe Sanchez Ambia	Invited
Shakeel Ahmed	Invited
Antonio Medina Gómez	Invited
J Eduardo Rojas	Invited
Aubrey Pennyman	Invited
Chaitanya Ramachandran	Invited
Christelle Vaval	Invited

Em 04/06/2015, às 10:47, Valeria Betancourt escreveu:

> Hash: SHA512
> Hi Bill,
> I am happy to liaise with Olga on this.
> Valeria
> On 04/06/15 8:08, William Drake wrote:
>> Hello from EuroDIG in Sofia
>> Just a brief suggestion to anyone in region who wants to help, I
>> was skyping with Olga Cavalli and she said she could help identify
>> invitees, she of course has a bit of a data base from years of
>> doing the South School.  If someone has some bandwidth to connect
>> with her that’d be great….
>> Bill
>>> On Jun 2, 2015, at 8:12 PM, William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Marilia
>>>> On Jun 2, 2015, at 4:46 PM, Marília Maciel
>>>> <mariliafgv at gmail.com <mailto:mariliafgv at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Bill and all,
>>>> I agree that we should identify more names and add them to the
>>>> file. However, some of the people listed are contact hubs in
>>>> the region and can help us spread the word within networks as
>>>> well. Another point is that there is a strong CS LAC presence
>>>> in ALAC. Are we willing to reach out to ALAC members too?
>>> Of course. Don’t want to look like we’re ‘poaching’ but there’s
>>> no reason why At Large people should not be connected, there’s no
>>> contradiction between being involved in both spaces.  I myself
>>> have been on the Board of Euralo since 2008….just need to be
>>> aware of possible perceptions and deal accordingly.
>>>> With regards to the content of the invitation, I believe that
>>>> the first paragraph would be devoted to explaining why the
>>>> current discussions in ICANN matter from a CS standpoint. (re.
>>>> ICANN It is not only technical administration of names and
>>>> numbers, there implications with rights, development, bla,
>>>> bla).
>>> I passed along a copy of the invite letter we used in London,
>>> which was more form and not content-oriented.  If you think
>>> something that with more substance would have resonance and still
>>> fit one page, please feel free to draft something for the group’s
>>> consideration.  Any and all help is much appreciated!
>>>> I offer help with the translation into portuguese when the text
>>>> is ready.
>>> Fabulous
>>> Best
>>> Bill
>>>> 2015-06-02 4:01 GMT-03:00 William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch
>>>> <mailto:william.drake at uzh.ch>>: Hello Valeria
>>>>> On Jun 1, 2015, at 6:05 PM, Valeria Betancourt
>>>>> <valeriab at apc.org <mailto:valeriab at apc.org>> wrote:
>>>>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512
>>>>> Dear Analía,
>>>>> Thanks for your work.
>>>>> We are happy in the APC to help with contacting people and
>>>>> sending invitations out.
>>>> That would be excellent, thanks so much.  As I said yesterday,
>>>> we really need to identify more names with email addresses we
>>>> can distribute this to, right now we have about the same number
>>>> as NCUC attendees and it’s a fair bet not all of those will
>>>> come.  Analía and others have listed a number of organizations
>>>> with URLs but I wouldn’t know who within them to send something
>>>> to. So any and all help would be much appreciated!
>>>> ICANN has finally posted the conference schedule, which in
>>>> principle makes it easier to send an invite because we have a
>>>> URL to point to with confirmed room etc.
>>>> http://buenosaires53.icann.org/en/schedule/sat-civil-society-ncuc
>>>> <http://buenosaires53.icann.org/en/schedule/sat-civil-society-ncuc>
>>>> In practice though I am still trying to sort out a couple
>>>> issues with Jean Jacques, i.e. there’s currently no provision
>>>> for remote participation or translation and the thing is listed
>>>> as open rather than closed to CS, which proved a problem in
>>>> London—we had a number of business people show up and intervene
>>>> a lot in ways that misdirected the conversation and frustrated
>>>> people.  So hopefully we get these things sorted soon.
>>>> I am now bugging NCUC people to confirm what topics they can
>>>> introduce.  It would be good if we have some LAC members to do
>>>> this as well as people from the US and Europe.  At present we
>>>> have
>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gRnbG-zlSzke5D2bQO30yXAu2kXxfuLN
> XIRL1jwj9v0/edit?pli=1
>>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gRnbG-zlSzke5D2bQO30yXAu2kXxfuL
> NXIRL1jwj9v0/edit?pli=1>
> • IANA and the transitioning of US control  (Milton Mueller)
>>>> • Accountability mechanisms in the context of globalization
>>>> (Matt Shears) • Human rights generally (Monika Zalnieriute) •
>>>> Privacy, WHOIS and registry services (James Gannon) • Access to
>>>> knowledge and intellectual property (Robin Gross) • Freedom of
>>>> expression (TBD) • Development (TBD) • ICANN in broader
>>>> Internet governance, e.g. NETmundial Initiative, IGF, WSIS10,
>>>> etc (Bill Drake)
>>>> If for example one of our LAC members would be prepared to say
>>>> two minutes about our involvement in applicant support/JAS,
>>>> raising IG4D in the GNSO Council, etc. that’d be great. Rafik
>>>> normally does the development piece but doesn’t get into BA in
>>>> time.  Ditto FoE.  Alternatively, if someone wanted to handle
>>>> the IPR angle (one of the things NCUC has done most for 15
>>>> years is fight the intellectual property folks on trademarks
>>>> etc) we could move Robin to FoE.
>>>> I am will be in Sofia the next few days for the European IGF,
>>>> doing sessions on NETmundial and IANA, so will be bandwidth
>>>> challenged.  Hope others can help out in keeping this moving
>>>> forward….
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Bill
>>>> _______________________________________________ PT53 mailing
>>>> list PT53 at lists.ncuc.org <mailto:PT53 at lists.ncuc.org> 
>>>> http://lists.ncuc.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pt53
>>>> <http://lists.ncuc.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pt53>
>>> ********************************************************* William
>>> J. Drake International Fellow & Lecturer Media Change &
>>> Innovation Division, IPMZ University of Zurich, Switzerland 
>>> Chair, Noncommercial Users Constituency, ICANN, www.ncuc.org
>>> <http://www.ncuc.org/> william.drake at uzh.ch
>>> <mailto:william.drake at uzh.ch> (direct), wjdrake at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:wjdrake at gmail.com> (lists), www.williamdrake.org
>>> <http://www.williamdrake.org/> Internet Governance: The
>>> NETmundial Roadmap http://goo.gl/sRR01q <http://goo.gl/sRR01q> 
>>> *********************************************************
> - -- 
> Valeria Betancourt
> Directora / Manager
> Programa de Políticas de Information y Comunicación / Communication
> and Information Policy Programme
> Asociación para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones / Association for
> Progressive Communications, APC
> http://www.apc.org
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> PT53 mailing list
> PT53 at lists.ncuc.org
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João Carlos R. Caribé
Skype joaocaribe
(021) 9 8761 1967

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