[NCUC-EC] NCUC EC call | Attendance and Zoom recordings | 13 May 2024

Andrea Glandon andrea.glandon at icann.org
Mon May 13 19:22:17 CEST 2024


Please find below the attendance and recordings from the NCUC EC call held on Monday, 13 May 2024 at 15:00 UTC.

This information is also available on the wiki here.<https://community.icann.org/x/VQAeEg>

Attendees: Amin Hacha, Benjamin Akinmoyeje, Ines Hfaiedh, Pedro de Perdigao Lana | Apologies: Ken Herman | ICANN org: Dan Gluck, Andrea Glandon

ZOOM REPLAY LINK<https://icann.zoom.us/rec/play/qKYTmY_24rIxM3z3PFGJWI8ahoelRVMCINSjsZAYX8LrBU4uYixa7eQZoS_j51piz5RU5862d7QXgI5G.SbNY8GDGqAwTPFvc>

ZOOM AUDIO REPLAY LINK <https://icann.zoom.us/rec/play/5d3undLPVJH88MTArk6zGd1zYOak2OyE2Gh0uhetn-tq3L8zvB5uTZvsMJddIBvpLYmUK2iahA50ic4Y.ZjOAV6ZEjr-Hkr-b>

Thank you!
Andrea Glandon
Policy Operations Coordinator
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Skype ID:  acglandon76

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