[NCUC-EC] NomCom changes

Johan Helsingius julf at Julf.com
Tue Jun 4 21:55:42 CEST 2024

Dear Ines,

> Thank you for your email. Just a note that it s been some time, maybe a 
> year that I didn't receive nomcom review emails so thought either there 
> was an update in the memberhip or I didnot reconfirm my subscription. 
> Hence, I was not part of this review and heard about it recently as 
> everyone else .

Happy to look into it - when was the last time you received emails from
that group, and what was the last meeting you attended?

> That said, thank you for updating us on the deadline and if you have 
> information on how GNSO constituencies want to proceed about selecting 
> those 3 nomcom reps out of 7 to serve for one year.

I think most GNSO constituencies are OK with a toss of the coin.


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