[NCUC-EC] ICANN 67 Prep - The thread

Bruna Martins dos Santos bruna.mrtns at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 14:56:09 CET 2020

Hey all,

Thanks for the replies, I will talk with Milton and others to consider
names for this one meeting on PIR that should look like a fireside chat, as
suggested by Lou. With regards to the level of discussions as well as
handling it with care, this is a concern that I also share. But I believe
that it will depend a lot on the framing we give to this session.

About names, we were considering reaching out to Paul Diaz or Jon Nevett,
as they have already been in past conversations with us and so on. We did
not discuss whether we should invite ISOC or anyone from Ethos, but I will
keep the deliberations here as the meeting idea develops.

Having NCUC hosting a meeting on the PIR sale it is indeed an important
move, so thanks for supporting the idea.

Best regards,

Le mer. 5 févr. 2020 à 01:15, Benjamin Akinmoyeje <benakin at gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Dear Chair,
> Good day, I am yet to get my final itinerary, I hope to get it shortly
> from ICANN Travels and I will communicate it to you.
> However, I hope to be there from March 4th and will be available for any
> task you would like me to do.
> I agree strongly with the list of the ideas generated so far and I hope we
> can just have it highlighted on the agenda. I hope to make some
> contribution to the agenda list before the end of this week.
> Kind regards,
> Benjamin
> On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 1:05 AM Louise Marie Hurel <
> louise.marie.hsd at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Wish I could join you all in Cancun!
>> I think this is an important moment for us to have a discussion on the
>> PIR stewardship and don't see any problem with allocating some funds for
>> food and refreshments. It will be great if we can get someone from PIR to
>> join us for this "fireside chat"/lunch. Do you have any names we might
>> reach out to? I would only advise that we handle the discussion with care
>> so as to make sure we have a good space for our members to interact and pop
>> questions to them.
>> Let me know if you need any remote support for this at any point.
>> Best,
>> *Louise Marie Hurel*
>> PhD Student Data, Networks, and Society | London School of Economics and
>> Political Science (LSE)
>> Research and Project Development Cybersecurity and Digital Liberties
>> Programme | Igarapé Institute
>> Publications
>> <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Louise_Marie_Hurel/publications>
>> Skype: louise.dias
>> louise at igarape.org.br
>> louise.marie.hsd at gmail.com
>> On Mon, 3 Feb 2020 at 14:31, Bruna Martins dos Santos <
>> bruna.mrtns at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> Thank you for the reply, Mili. Im looking forward to hearing back from
>>> others too.
>>> Another thing I had to discuss with you is regarding one of the NCUC
>>> meetings in Cancun. As previously mentioned to you all, I asked Maryam for
>>> the following sessions:
>>> NCUC EC Meeting | Saturday, 07 Mar Day 1 | 10:30 - 12:00
>>> NCUC Members Meeting  | Monday, 09 Mar Day 3 | 13:30 - 15:00
>>> NCUC Open Meeting | Tuesday, 10 Mar Day 4 | 10:30 - 12:00
>>> What we called Members meeting was the one I suggested we did on a
>>> selected policy topic for membership to be better informed and up to date
>>> on this. For the past week I have been chatting with Milton, Rafik,
>>> Stephanie and others and we came across the idea of using this session -
>>> the one on monday - to discuss some details of the PIR sell/stewardship.
>>> The idea would be to invite PIR leadership and facilitate a meeting with
>>> our part of the community. Before I move on, this is a meeting hosted
>>> during lunch, therefore NCUC would have to contribute with some funds for
>>> food and refreshments. Can I move forward with this ? It would be a great
>>> opportunity for us to be more vocal regarding the PIR situation and also
>>> facilitate a space for our members to ask questions.
>>> Looking forward to hearing back from you !
>>> Best,
>>> B
>>> Le jeu. 23 janv. 2020 à 03:51, Mili <milisemlani at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>> Hi Bruna and all
>>>>   Thanks for starting this.
>>>> 1. Will add detailed inputs in the doc. But I think EC meeting can be
>>>> closed like we did so far and the membership meeting is a good idea for EC
>>>> to interact with members. But I suggest we keep it off policy (since that
>>>> is anyway discussed at SG level). We can use the membership meeting to
>>>> resolve a lot of the admin challenges and to know what members need to
>>>> participate etc.
>>>> I shall confirm my exact travel dates shortly but I will be there
>>>> before the meeting for the training so looking at tonight 5-14 March.
>>>> 2. For the CROP traveller, I suggest we also ask her to write a blog
>>>> post of sorts not just encapsulating her experience but also like a brief
>>>> on any of the tracks she may be following (like RMP in this case). We
>>>> should also give her a slot at the outreach session to talk about a
>>>> newcomers journey to NCUC (as a lot of fellows usually attend outreach and
>>>> Vivi has been a fellow too).
>>>> 3. I want to work on the Outreach and  happy to run it too if Bruna you
>>>> have too much on your hands. The joint meeting with At large works but I
>>>> feel we should give more clarity on SG and UC perhaps even involve SG EC.
>>>> 4. I think we should contrinue and make it like a formal practice for
>>>> all CrOP fellows each time. Happy to work on a short process for the same
>>>> (if we all want to retain it).
>>>> 5. Will comment on mailing list for Intersessional
>>>> 6. I am available for the next 3 weeks. Post 15 Feb I will be
>>>> travelling. Apologies for missing past meetings.
>>>> --
>>>> With gratitude
>>>> Mili Semlani
>>>> Journalist & Engagement Manager
>>>> Founder @ Youth4IG <http://youth4ig.asia/>
>>>> Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/theuntraveller/> | LinkedIn
>>>> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/milisemlani/>
>>>> On 23-Jan-2020, at 04:09, Bruna Martins dos Santos <
>>>> bruna.mrtns at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hey guys,
>>>> I decided to start a little thread on our prep for ICANN67 as we have
>>>> some things that are needed right now...
>>>> *1. Work on our agendas!* - As previously mentioned to you, I have
>>>> asked for three meetings:
>>>> (a) Ec Meeting
>>>> (b) Membership meeting  and;
>>>> (c) CD.
>>>> Maryam has kindly put together a google docs for us to start to
>>>> organize our agendas and its here
>>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r0KvFCQxFWNZ0cEzaTKEReo4q7qqxrf1edRtVX6PR1g/edit>.
>>>> Still on the meetings its important for you to tell me if we should invite
>>>> ICANN org or other parts of the ICANN community to them. As usual I am also
>>>> counting that you, the EC, will work on the EC meeting agenda.
>>>> *To those of you attending this meeting, @Michael Karanicolas
>>>> <mkaranicolas at gmail.com> @Mili Semlani <milisemlani at gmail.com> and @Benjamin
>>>> Akinmoyeje <benakin at gmail.com> , do you mind indicating to me your
>>>> dates in Cancún? Asking this just so I am aware ;)
>>>> *2. Mentorship with the NCUC fellow/crop traveler* - Viviane required
>>>> some mentorship on RPMs, any ideas of activities or more specific things we
>>>> could be asking from her ?
>>>> *3. Outreach with At-Large *- A little behind on planning so far, but
>>>> I am guessing its happening. As of now we are still discussing a proper
>>>> date for that meeting and maybe a new model due to some issues that
>>>> happened in the past. At-Large questioned us on whether we wanted to make
>>>> it an NCSG - ALAC joint outreach and, so far, my position has been that we
>>>> can obviously invite our sister constituency (NPOC) and SG, but I would
>>>> like for it to continue being an NCUC effort - especially considering that
>>>> NPOC also has a broader outreach and policy meetings with at-large
>>>> nowadays.
>>>> *4. #AskNCUC *- do we want to get this back to work ? for the new
>>>> ones, it was a live tweet interview we would do with someone from our
>>>> community on an specific issue. Assuming that the PC on ATRT3 will be done
>>>> by then, maybe we can ask any of its members a bit more about the work - or
>>>> any other topic you see as interesting.
>>>> *5. Intercessional Planning* - we will have a planning meeting during
>>>> ICANN67 - on *11 March 2020, 17:00-18:30 local time - *and it would be
>>>> good for you to have this on your radar.
>>>> *6. EC call *- I wanted to schedule an EC call with you next month as
>>>> a preparation to ICANN67 and will ask Maryam to send you a doodle for the
>>>> second week of February. Please indicate your availability as I wanted to
>>>> have the full EC at the call, we havent managed to do so in the past call
>>>> neither on the one with GSE.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> --
>>>> *Bruna Martins dos Santos *
>>>> Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
>>>> @boomartins
>>> --
>>> *Bruna Martins dos Santos *
>>> Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
>>> @boomartins
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*Bruna Martins dos Santos *

Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
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