[NCUC-EC] 1:1 with Goran - 24/10 @ 18h15

Bruna Martins dos Santos bruna.mrtns at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 07:10:42 CEST 2019

Dear EC,

NCUCs leadership meeting with the ICANN CEO will take place today, at 18h15
UTC. As mentioned to you on the EC call yesterday, We do have some space
for one of you who might be interested in joining the call. - please let me
know if you would like to attend.

FYI, these are the topics I will be discussing at this meeting:

NCUC Leadership 1:1 with Goran



Back in Marrakech you referred to the work of the Strawberry Group and its
interactions with the European Comission as being a very good supplement to
the TSG. Although, some of the concerns about both groups rely on the fact
that they are not community built solutions. When addressing the TSG you
also mentioned that it is explicitly a technical group and would not meddle
with any policy issues, but that doesnt seem to be the case with the
Strawberry team which is now undertaking the policy part.  Therefore I
would like to hear a bit more on this initiative (Strawberry Group), and
how is ICANN keeping the compromise with its bottom-up policy making
process when we have the EPDP and such teams co-existing?


   DNS Abuse and Blocking

We are well aware that during the Montreal meeting there will be a session
dedicated to the subject and also possible practices to mitigate abuse and
address related policy gaps. But still, some level of content moderation
that can happen through practices of DNS blocking is a topic that is always
coming back to ICANN. Having just seen the industry statement on the
proposed Framework to Address Abuse, and the four moments in which
registries and registrars should act in order to disrupt Website Content
Abuse -  (1) child sexual abuse materials (“CSAM”); (2) illegal
distribution of opioids online; (3) human trafficking;10 and (4) specific
and credible incitements to violence - we fear this actual intermission in
between DNS abuse measures and content moderation.

Therefore my questions would be:
1. NCUC has mentioned over board meetings and our interactions before that
we should keep our compromise with the Bylaws which are very clear with
regards of the topic of content moderation being outside of ICANNs remit.
And our disclaimer here is that we should be really careful about
negotiations with the contracted parties leading us in that path. So, how
do you see ICANN and this community moving forward in terms of this topic?

2. Would you consider it to be feasible for us to set a definition of what
is an specific and credible incitement to violence without harming free
speech, especially considering that concepts such as criminal incitation to
violence varies widely across national jurisdictions?


   Input requests to the community

Our community is noting and a bit concerned with the way the ICANN Blog is
being used also as a platform to ask for community input. We believe that
asking for the community opinion in blog posts, without a proper and more
specific deadline for the matter neither the commitment on publishing the
comments offered can be somehow harmful to the way we interact. Therefore,
I have a very simple question: why some important call for comments from
the community are published on blogs and not on public comment page? Can
that be fixed?


*Bruna Martins dos Santos *

Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
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