[NCUC-EC] Leadership Transition | NCUC Representatives - NCSG EC, NCSG PC and NCSG FC

Bruna Martins dos Santos bruna.mrtns at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 19:29:37 CEST 2018

Dear all,

First of all congratulations on the election for NCUC EC, I am looking
forward to working with you in the upcoming year.

Boarding our NCUC Leadership Team transition, I will send you guys a series
of pending decisions for the new leadership team. One of them are the NCUC
representatives in the different NCSG committees and groups. The actual
situation is the following:

Monika Zalnieriute and  Robin Gross

Farell Folly and Cláudio Lucena

Thato Mfikwe

All the above representatives were appointed by the NCUC EC and we should
send a call for applications for each of the positions soon. I would
suggest that we started with our representatives at the NCSG EC as they are
eligible for NCSG travel slots that should be announced by November 8th the
latest. But first I would like to hear back from you.

*Bruna Martins dos Santos *

Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
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