[NCUC-EC] [NCUC-DISCUSS] [Call for position] PIR Representative

Maryam Bakoshi maryam.bakoshi at icann.org
Tue Jan 23 16:37:51 CET 2018

Dear All,

Please find Ayden’s application for PIR Representative below.

Many thanks,

Maryam Bakoshi | SO/AC Collaboration Services Sr. Coordinator
ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
S: Maryam.bakoshi.icann | T: +44 7737698036

From: Ayden Férdeline <icann at ferdeline.com>
Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <icann at ferdeline.com>
Date: Saturday, January 20, 2018 at 10:00 AM
To: Renata Aquino Ribeiro <raquino at GMAIL.COM>
Cc: Maryam Bakoshi <maryam.bakoshi at icann.org>
Subject: [Ext] Fw: [NCUC-DISCUSS] [Call for position] PIR Representative

Dear Renata,

I am writing to express my interest in representing the NCUC on the Advisory Council of the Public Interest Registry. The active participation of the NCUC in this role is fundamental. I consider it essential to fulfilling the NCUC's mission, core values and commitments both to a secure and stable system of unique Internet identifiers, as well as to ensuring consumer choice and competition in the domain name market.

I currently represent the NCUC (and NPOC) as a Councillor on the GNSO Council. In this role I actively participate in the affairs of the GNSO Council by staying abreast of the technical and administrative agenda, engaging in relevant discussions, evaluating reports, holding the Chair and Vice-Chairs accountable, and voting responsibly on all matters. Prior to this, I was appointed by the NCUC to the NCSG Policy Committee, where I drafted multiple comments and statements. In both roles I have been able to engage with leaders from an array of stakeholder groups, including business, civil society, and government. I have enjoyed crafting factual and consistent messaging that articulates the positions of non-commercial Internet users, and represented the NCUC professionally and intelligently. I have also represented the NCUC and conducted outreach activities at relevant Internet governance meetings and conferences in Geneva, London, Hyderabad, Johannesburg, and Tallinn.

I believe I meet the requirements for appointment to this role; having served in a NCUC/NCSG leadership position, having contributed and initiated meaningful discussion on the NCUC's mailing list, having an awareness of the work of the PIR, and having participated in the NCSG/NCUC's public comment efforts. My Statement of Interest[community.icann.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_pages_viewpage.action-3FpageId-3D56989741&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=1A9IIOkJia11FXDmJ1R4Jn7wGT4ExHiVuBF89mvNt_Q&m=0l3JZa21y5J-aNUAM8aPqFbjITm-fXEcDBoiUnnIe_g&s=J2gPdHTON7AUYDS8L5vJffX7qaCNhP4oe5u1d7GfZvc&e=> on the ICANN webpage is current.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Kind regards,

Ayden Férdeline

-------- Original Message --------
On 9 January 2018 2:52 AM, Renata Aquino Ribeiro <raquino at gmail.com> wrote:

Dear members,

It is time to renew NCUC representative in PIR Advisory Council, a
position that has been occupied by NCUC Chair for the last 2

This present call will be open for applications until 22 Jan 2017 and
the EC will deliberate with advice from former PIR Representative
until 30 Jan 2017.

As per NCUC Operating Procedures, this selection process can choose a
candidate with the following characteristics:

a. Had served in a leadership position within the NCSG or NCUC in the
past (former or current GNSO Councillors, Chairs of NCUC, EC members,
NCUC-appointees, PC
b. Can provide a recommendation letter from an experienced member who
understands the role of the PIR Advisory Council Representative.
c. Has contributed and initiated meaningful discussion on the NCUC or
NCSG mailing lists.
d. Has demonstrated knowledge of, or interest in the work of, the
Public Interest Registry, and is willing to be an active participant
in Public Interest Registry discussions and debates.

Additional general requirements

  *   The candidate must submit an updated Statement of Interest (SOI).

  *   It is desirable for the candidate to have participated in public
comment efforts, and be an active member in one or more Working Groups
(WG) within ICANN or generally been contributing by being involved
with outreach and NCUC events.

About PIR (Source: PIR.org[PIR.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__PIR.org&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=1A9IIOkJia11FXDmJ1R4Jn7wGT4ExHiVuBF89mvNt_Q&m=0l3JZa21y5J-aNUAM8aPqFbjITm-fXEcDBoiUnnIe_g&s=QuOzZ2xYD_gZDkNIKa9IOuv0Bqolbl4I2xXgSCR8KUw&e=> )

The Public Interest Registry is a not-for profit organization created
by the Internet Society based in Reston, Virginia, y and serves as the
domain registry for all .ORG Top Level Domains.

The .ORG domain is the Internet’s third largest “generic” or
non-country specific top-level domain with more than 9 million domain
names registered worldwide with a particular focus on acting in the
public interest. It’s the philosophy behind our online platform and
the battle cry of our mission in providing people and organizations an
identity online.
For the millions of people we serve, we are forever committed to
providing online platforms where everyone always has a voice and no
one is ever hindered, restricted or censored.

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