[NCUC-EC] Meeting - CIVICRM Developments

Bruna Martins dos Santos bruna.mrtns at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 06:01:44 CEST 2018

Dear EC,

On monday morning Farzaneh, Tapani, Juan and me joined a call with CIVICRM
regarding our members database management and I share below the report
Farzi shared with the tech team just now.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: farzaneh badii via Techteam <techteam at lists.ncsg.is>
Date: 2018-08-01 0:52 GMT-03:00
Subject: [Techteam] CIVICRM Developments
To: Techteam at lists.ncsg.is

Hi everybody

As I told you we are using CIVICRM for our database management and have
recently hired a company to help us with developing it further and
maintaining it.

We had the discovery meeting the other day with Bruna, Tapani and Juan.
Covered a lot of grounds as to how membership approval process is,
categories of members etc.

Here is an email from them about our Service Level Agreement. They maintain
our system and we have 5 incidents we can report to them. At the moment the
incidents are reported by Maryam and I.

I would be grateful if more people could pay attention to this, especially
if you are tech savvy, we might need later on get volunteers to look at the
technical issues and work with the company to resolve it. And of course if
I get run over by a bus, you should know what we are doing Tech wise. I
have shared our contract with the company with the constituency chairs, FC
members. I will also upload the meetings I have had with them on the same
folder. If you want to have access to the videos, let me know.

Our service level agreement and what does it do for us?

In particular we discussed how your monthly incidents (up to 5) of
technical support work. Please send any request or question you have
directly to* ..* This notifies our support team and allows us to easily
create and track the request in our project management system.

As a reminder, a support request, or incident, is generally defined as a
request for support to fix an error in an *existing system* or a request
for support that involves functionality of the *existing system*. In
particular, Support Requests are questions or issues that can be addressed
by our team in *30 minutes or less*. Here are examples of the types of
support that can be provided via your monthly incidents:

   - Short trainings (10-15 min) on how to use your system, such as
   creating reports, managing customers and contacts, creating relationships,
   - Trouble-shooting issues with existing system functionality (report
   questions, mailings, membership, etc)
   - General consultation on how best to find information, develop a
   report, or better understand your contacts and their activities
   - Documentation on how a feature of the system operates or how to
   complete an administrative or management function

Any administrative time required to respond to and address an incident will
be tracked against that incident. Not included within Support Requests are
any requests that would add *new functionality* to the system.
Should you submit a request that we see will require more support or work
than what an incident covers, we will follow up with you, most likely
recommending the use of *Development Block time* (a pre-purchased 10 hour
block of time) to resolve the issue or request.



Techteam mailing list
Techteam at lists.ncsg.is

*Bruna Martins dos Santos *

Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
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