[NCUC-EC] ICANN61 additional seat in Leadership Course possibility - 7-9 March

Renata Aquino Ribeiro raquino at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 19:06:17 CET 2017

Dear EC

As per the Additional Budget Requests approved you can see below, NCUC
is eligible to one more seat in the Leadership Program.

This program was created by ICANN Academy and Chairs and leaders
attend it 3 days before the ICANN meeting. There is only hotel

When the Chair can not attend or when there is an additional seat, it
can be reassigned to an EC interested.

Note that this year ICANN61 Leadership Program clashes with NCUC
Policy Writing Course, which will be on the 9th March. We sought
guidance from the Leadership Program coordinator and the participants
from NCUC can miss the last afternoon to attend NCUC Policy Training.

I would like to know if there is an EC interested in doing this
course. It also would be best that this EC is committed to help
preparing the Policy Course, attending it and following up on webinars
previously and after the training, also evaluating membership

If there is more than one EC interested we'll have to start a selection process.

Please answer until 13dec. Applications for Leadership Program involve
2 written statements, negotiation w/ coordinator for confirmation and
are due in less than 3 weeks.

Leadership Program page

Application Form
(Do not apply yet)




FY18-15-NCUC -Policy Practicum and Policy Advocacy Training
Request  for  NCUC  member  training  in  policy  writing  skills  for
 PDP  participation  and contribution to ICANN public comment
process.(Yes)(20,000)(Duncan Burns)

The ICANN Communications Team and the ICANN Learn Team will
collaborate with the  Non  Commercial Users Constituency
(NCUC)leadership to  develop content and to hold  preparatory
webinars  as  required  leading  up  to a pilot face-to-face  training
course  at  ICANN61with  an  external  consultant during  the  regular
 public  meeting schedule. The face-to-face training at ICANN61 will
focus  on  skills  development  for policy  writing. Additional
resources flexibility is not available in  FY18 to  support additional
 travelers for  the  travel component of  this  request, but the  NCUC
 is encouraged to identify interested community members who will
already be attending the ICANN61 meeting to sign up for the
face-to-face component of this training effort. On 6 a pilot  basis,
additional  webinars  could  be  incorporated  into  this  program  as
 a substitute for students who cannot participate in the face-to-face

FY18-25-/NCSG/NPOC -Capacity building program for NCSG, NCUC and NPOC
to enable the NCSG members to effectively participate in policymaking
at ICANN from various WGs to CCWGs.
NCUC, NCUC and NPOC joint request for a tailor-made training program
for NCUC and NPOC members to create future
leaders.(Yes)(66,000)(Benedetta Rossi)

The Policy  Development  Support  Team,  Global  Stakeholder
Engagement  Team  and Public  Responsibility  Support  Team  will
collaborate  with NCUC,  NCSG  and Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns
Constituency (NPOC) leadership to create a tailor-made pilot
instructional program focused on: consensus building and negotiation
skills for NCUC and NPOC members. As  part  of  this  program
development,  components may  include development of  an online
curriculum, in-person  facilitation and  discussions. Timing  and
location  to  be determined based on discussions and collaboration
between community and ICANN Org Team(Policy Development Support Team,
Global Stakeholder Engagement Team, Public  Responsibility  Support
Team  and  Meetings  Team). If  in-person  facilitation component is
developed, then ICANN office location or ICANN Public Meeting space is
required and all applicable travel guidelines would apply. The parties
are also encouraged to utilize existing core programs that focus on
team interaction, collaboration, consensus building and negotiation
skills. *******On a pilot basis, the NCUC, NPOC and NCSG will also
each be eligible to apply for an additional seat for the Leadership
Program at ICANN61. See FY18-03.********

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