[NCUC-EC] outreach initiatives

farzaneh badii farzaneh.badii at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 03:37:51 CET 2016

I had a look at the form and I have to say it's excellent. It covers many
things and I like it very much.

I will come back with some minor editorial changes.

On 19 December 2016 at 20:33, Renata Aquino Ribeiro <raquino at gmail.com>

> Hi
> About outreach events, how can members send them and how to support
> them, I designed a form.
> It can be shared with members and we can encourage to send data there.
> Some events may just take advantage of a NCUC blog post, or a
> webconference.
> Some may have a more complex project. In this case, we can recommend a
> project document to be sent over to the EC.
> This forms helps more to streamline online, asynchronous and onsite
> events which do not need any formal support on content, speaker or
> funding.
> Also gives us a nice spreadsheet we can put comments on and get back
> to presenter in a timely manner (maybe 15 business days for analysis?)
> http://bit.ly/ncucout
> Best,
> Renata
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