[NCUC-EC] Request for small Travel Support to the Dublin ICANN meeting

Milan, Stefania Stefania.Milan at EUI.eu
Thu Sep 10 17:37:44 CEST 2015

Consensus on James' request.

I am at a meeting with Analia Aspis, who would be interested in joining in Dublin, following her engagement in Buenos Aires. Would that be an option?

Da: ncuc-ec-bounces at lists.ncuc.org <ncuc-ec-bounces at lists.ncuc.org> per conto di William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch>
Inviato: giovedì 10 settembre 2015 16.30
A: Exec. Comm
Oggetto: [NCUC-EC] Request for small Travel Support to the Dublin ICANN meeting


James will be doing work for us helping to organize the Saturday outreach event. I encouraged him to send us an application for modest support.  His 450 euro estimate is indeed modest.  Let’s see if any other requests come in by the 17th, if not we can decide y/n on this or a more functional amount.


Begin forwarded message:

From: James Gannon <james at cyberinvasion.net<mailto:james at cyberinvasion.net>>
Subject: Re: [NCUC-DISCUSS] Call for proposals for Travel Support to the Dublin ICANN meeting
Date: September 10, 2015 at 4:14:29 PM GMT+2
To: William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch<mailto:william.drake at uzh.ch>>

Hi Bill,
I had not applied for any funding for the Dublin meeting as I felt that the funds were of best use to bring NCUC members in from further afield but given the situation described below I ask that the NCUC-EC consider my request below.

Although I live in Ireland I my current residence is over 100km from the ICANN 54 venue, and due to limited access to public transport I would find it quite difficult to attend the meeting to its fullest extent as I would be heavily constrained in my ability to attend evening sessions such as the ICANN Finance Workshop, any after hours events such as the NCUC Outreach event (Of which I am co-coordinating with Maria Farrell) or any other ad-hoc meetings that may be scheduled after 6pm.

I reached out to other NCUC members and have agreed in principal that if the Executive Committee was to agree I would be able to split an AirBnB with Brenden Keubris at a cost of 450Euro. As accommodation is extremely limited in the Dublin area due to the ICANN meeting attracting in the region of 3000 visitors hotel accommodation would run to approximately 1250Euro so the arrangement with Brenden would be significantly cheaper and less of a cost burden to NCUC. It would also reduce Brenden’s costs who is travelling to the Dublin meeting on his own expense.
My responses to the official criteria listed at http://www.ncuc.org/participate/ncuc-travel-support/ are below:

  1.  Voted in the previous year’s NCUC election, if eligible at the time; I have not experienced an NCUC election however participated as a candidate for NCSG Chair in the current NCSG election.
  2.  Are actively and verifiably engaged in NCUC’s work, for example constituency governance, NCUC/NCSG policy discussions, or GNSO or cross-community working groups; YES, I am avtive in the CWG Stewardship, CCWG Accountability, PPSAI PDP, Whois Conflicts with National Laws IAG and have been active in supporting NCUCs mission.
  3.  Need to be at a given meeting because the above mentioned work will be advanced there; YES I am active in the CCWG, CWG, PPSAI PDP all of whom will be meeting at ICANN 54
  4.  Agree to participate in any NCUC, NCSG and GNSO meetings held during the meeting; YES
  5.  Agree to write a brief post-trip blog post for the NCUC website reflecting on the meeting’s main developments of relevance to NCUC; Agree
  6.  Did not receive NCUC funding to attend the immediately previous ICANN meeting, unless exceptional circumstances require their presence at two consecutive meetings. (Note: this criteria only applies to regular ICANN meetings, as below) I received partial fuunding for Buenos Aires consisting of airfare only.
  7.  Agree to make their own travel, accommodation, visa, and related arrangements and be reimbursed after the trip. NCUC cannot provide funds in advance of meetings or any administrative support. Agreed

I thank the NCUC-EC for its considerations and look forward to a response.

-James Gannon

On 10 Sep 2015, at 07:24, William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch<mailto:william.drake at uzh.ch>> wrote:


The EC had awarded NCUC Travel Policy support to Arun Sukumar, who was the only applicant and who’s much involved in the accountability work on our behalf.  But I was just notified this morning that contrary to what I was told a month ago after much back and forth, ICANN will in fact provide an additional travel slot for new GNSO Councilors, which means Stefi Milan can be put on that budget line, freeing up one of the standard 3 slots ICANN provides us with.  So I’ve moved Arun to that, since his costs from India to Dublin will be more than the up to $2,000 NCUC could offer under our travel policy.  This in turn means that we have no takers for the NCUC travel award.

In the hope of helping actively engaged members or really soon to be engaged members to the meeting, let’s do a second, abbreviated call for applications. If anyone wants to be considered, please apply as below by next Thursday 17 September and the EC will consider it.  If we get no applications then we’ll just save our little piggy bank money for other purposes, which would be ok since we anyway hope to do some sort of anniversary gathering in Dublin.



On Aug 24, 2015, at 8:42 AM, William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch<mailto:william.drake at uzh.ch>> wrote:

Reminder— applications accepted until Friday 28 August midnight UTC



On Aug 14, 2015, at 11:04 AM, William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch<mailto:william.drake at uzh.ch>> wrote:


ICANN 54 will be held in Dublin 18-22 October (GNSO, CCWG, IGC etc. work will be underway Saturday 17th, so travel ideally would be on the 16th). https://meetings.icann.org/en/dublin54   As announced last December, drawing on our own small resources raised by successive chairs, the NCUC EC has established a Travel Support Policy to facilitate the participation of actively involved members in ICANN meetings.  The policy is at http://www.ncuc.org/governance/travel-policy/.

With this message we invite applications for up to two travel awards for Dublin of up to US $2,000 each.  Applicants must meet the Eligibility Criteria detailed in the policy. Covered travel expenses may include conference-related airfare, visas or related fees, lodging, and airport taxis. If the actual cost of these items is greater than $2,000 the member will be responsible for the difference. NCUC cannot provide a per diem or cover any other expenses.  Selected travelers must make their own travel, accommodation,visa, and related arrangements and be reimbursed after the trip. NCUC cannot provide funds in advance of the meeting, or any administrative support.

Interested members should read carefully the terms and conditions of the policy.  Applications are now open for two weeks, until Friday 28 August midnight UTC.

Dublin will be an important meeting in the history of ICANN with the IANA transition and accountability plans hopefully coming to fruition.  In addition, there will be continuing work on other items we’ve been involved in, e.g. GNSO policy, the human rights initiative, privacy work, Internet governance and more.  In addition, we plan to organize a European region civil society outreach event on Saturday 17th. So there will be much going on, and we hope we will have a good turn out of members who are prepared to really roll up their sleeves and help us with all this work.




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