[NCUC-EC] Travel to Dublin Meeting

João Carlos Rebello Caribé caribe at entropia.blog.br
Tue Jul 7 16:58:40 CEST 2015

Give me one please, I need one of this slots to travel to Dublin, my experience of Fellow Coacher was fine, but with some agenda conflicts, I prefer to go to this meeting to dedicate to our constituency and stakeholder group.

Em 07/07/2015, às 11:46, William Drake escreveu:

> Hi
> I have just reconfirmed that I can go to Dublin on Euralo’s dime, as the representative of the Committee for a Democratic U.N. (an ALS).  I’ve done this at two prior European meetings and it’s apparently still valid.  Which means that NCUC has three open Covered Traveler slots, not two.
> Bear in mind that per previous our order of priorities should be 
>>>> 1) Is there someone we really need to have at a particular meeting because of activity they’re involved in, e.g. an important WG meeting negotiating a text or whatever; if yes they should be seriously considered for support, if not then all things are sort of equal so
>>>> 2) Support is rotated among elected (and I’d argue, appointed, i.e. NCSG EC and PC) representatives so everyone gets a chance to participate and deepen their engagement.  
> So we need to make that first determination, be it an EC or non-EC person.  And then move to the second.
> It sounds like from what’s been said nobody has other support at present, so we will take that into account.
> BD
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João Carlos R. Caribé
Skype joaocaribe
(021) 9 8761 1967

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