[NCUC-EC] Travel to Dublin Meeting

William Drake william.drake at uzh.ch
Tue Jul 7 16:46:40 CEST 2015


I have just reconfirmed that I can go to Dublin on Euralo’s dime, as the representative of the Committee for a Democratic U.N. (an ALS).  I’ve done this at two prior European meetings and it’s apparently still valid.  Which means that NCUC has three open Covered Traveler slots, not two.

Bear in mind that per previous our order of priorities should be 
>>> 1) Is there someone we really need to have at a particular meeting because of activity they’re involved in, e.g. an important WG meeting negotiating a text or whatever; if yes they should be seriously considered for support, if not then all things are sort of equal so
>>> 2) Support is rotated among elected (and I’d argue, appointed, i.e. NCSG EC and PC) representatives so everyone gets a chance to participate and deepen their engagement.  

So we need to make that first determination, be it an EC or non-EC person.  And then move to the second.

It sounds like from what’s been said nobody has other support at present, so we will take that into account.


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