[NCUC-EC] Website

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Tue May 28 15:11:07 CEST 2013

[I'm redirecting this to e-team, notably to include Brenden
in the discussion.]

On May 28 14:43, William Drake (william.drake at uzh.ch) wrote:

> >> If there's really going to be a new website to debut
> > 
> > Yes there will.

> Great. There is a lot to do though—we need to agree on everything
> from the categories for drop down menus to the content that greets
> people on the top page and main section pages, get the policy
> statements and stuff together, etc.

Yeah. Let's beware of getting too ambitious, though:
I said I expect to get it "good enough to publish", not perfect.
But at least visibly better than the current one.

> Could the folks leading perhaps draw up and share a plan with the
> elements and suggested time frames so we can all start to allocate
> some bits of bandwidth to moving this forward? With everything else
> on our plates individually and collectively, it'll work better if we
> have a plan that can be filled in asynchronously in increments
> rather than expecting some big bang of collective energy just prior
> to the meeting, no?


> Speaking of which, one thing I'd meant to ask long ago about the
> 'draft' new.ncuc.org pops into mind—is it your proposal to eliminate
> the individual members pages and ability of members to join groups
> etc. per the ning? I actually think the social networking's a
> desirable feature that might become less underutilized if we can
> breath some life in with other efforts...

The plan is to keep that and migrate old content, too.

But that's probably the biggest remaining technical issue we have.
There're a number of Wordpress plugins with such functionality,
but we've yet to evaluate them and choose which to use.

I seem to recall Brenden had some ideas about that, including
on some Ning tools for content migration?

Tapani Tarvainen

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