[NCUC-EC] Website

William Drake william.drake at uzh.ch
Tue May 28 14:43:44 CEST 2013


On May 28, 2013, at 2:09 PM, Tapani Tarvainen <ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info> wrote:

>> The meeting should in fact spend at least a little time updating on
>> the operational stuff we committed to do. If there's really going to
>> be a new website to debut
> Yes there will. Although we haven't done much on it since Beijing,
> there isn't all that much that really needs to be done before
> declaring it good enough to publish, and I'm willing to commit
> getting it there by Durban. (I'll need some help from Wilson and
> Brenden, but I trust they'll do their part. If necessary I'll
> lock myself in a hotel room with Wilson in Durban and won't
> come out until it's ready.)

Great.  There is a lot to do though—we need to agree on everything from the categories for drop down menus to the content that greets people on the top page and main section pages, get the policy statements and stuff together, etc.  Could the folks leading perhaps draw up and share a plan with the elements and suggested time frames so we can all start to allocate some bits of bandwidth to moving this forward?  With everything else on our plates individually and collectively, it'll work better if we have a plan that can be filled in asynchronously in increments rather than expecting some big bang of collective energy just prior to the meeting, no?

Speaking of which, one thing I'd meant to ask long ago about the 'draft' new.ncuc.org pops into mind—is it your proposal to eliminate the individual members pages and ability of members to join groups etc. per the ning?  I actually think the social networking's a desirable feature that might become less underutilized if we can breath some life in with other efforts...


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