[NCUC-EC] Durban Constituency Day

Edward Morris egmorris100 at gmail.com
Mon May 27 20:15:55 CEST 2013

Hi Bill,

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 7:28 AM, William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch> wrote:

> On May 26, 2013, at 8:41 PM, Edward Morris <edward.morris at ALUMNI.USC.EDU>
> wrote:
> We do have to take some of the blame for some of the dissatisfaction
> ourselves. We need to be better prepared / rehearsed and certainly need to
> arrive a bit earlier to check and make sure the technology works. Double
> that for Durban if we're premiering a new functioning website.
> Not sure why you're belaboring the notion of dissastifaction but I'm not
> prepared to hyperventilate about a few people not wanting to hear about
> stuff they're not working on. BFD. We had to cover what we covered if we
> were going to start to act on the renewal we said we'd undertake during the
> election.  I believe we committed to trying to build a more inclusive,
> transparent and sustainable CS presence.  I see no need to apologize to
> anyone who's' content in their supported travel and doesn't care what
> happens to the constituency as long as they're able to engage in the
> council discussion de jour and other fun stuff.  And BTW, you weren't here,
> but prior meetings were not so exciting either.  If I'd had to sit through
> one more discussion duplicating the NCSG discussions of WHOIS and
> trademarks I'd have stuck a fork in my eye.  Different strokes for
> different folks, this is natural, so could we move on now to a more
> productive conversation?  If you want to engage in some sort of
> self-flagellation ritual please leave me out of it, I'm an atheist and
> don't like sharp objects.

Whoa...not what I'm saying.

What I am saying is that we can take better care of ensuring our slides are
in a format that can be read by someone other than five people in the
Mariana Islands, an early adopter in Vladivostok and a member of the EC.
I'm saying we should get to the room a bit early and make sure our visuals
are loaded, functioning and available. No harm in having the EC chat a bit
before the event as well so we're all on the same page.

It's not self-flagellation, Bill, it's called learning from your mistakes.
We could be talking about the role of the butterfly in the internet
ecosystem for all I care. If we are, I just want the butterfly to show up
on time, the audio to work and our EC narrator to have an idea as to what
he's going to say and when he's going to say it.

If that's too much...all I can control is my own stuff and you'll note my
slides worked in Beijing, I knew what I was to say and I promise the same
will be true in Durban. I actually  should definitely give props to David
for doing the hard work to make sure the preceding was true. Without his
help I may have been in the same boat as everyone else.

> The meeting should in fact spend at least a little time updating on the
> operational stuff we committed to do.  If there's really going to be a new
> website to debut (and I kind of wish I could get some clear info on that…do
> I schedule it or no?), then we're going to have to debut it.  If there's
> anything to be said, albeit briefly, about progress in the other areas like
> outreach/member relations, that should happen too.  And update on finance
> and expenditures will be in order, I have six budget requests waiting.

We will have a final decision on the budget requests  from the Board coming
out of their June 27th meeting.

> And meetings planned.  So the nuts and bolts stuff has to get some play,
> but given the overall lack of engagement in moving it forward this
> shouldn't be more than 1/3rd of the time.
> I think the Policy Committee issue and the larger roles question will need
> discussion.  I believe we need to rethink inter alia given the realities of
> policy at the SG level.
> Other stuff—meet the locals, PIR, maybe GAC.
> 1. How about the concept of each meeting talking about and agreeing on a
> special policy project that would be our proactive focus for the coming few
> months. In Prague we did just that and it became the work we did on
> privacy. About  two weeks out we could send an email  (I'm happy to take
> ownership) asking members what is the most important policy issue we should
> be focusing on in the next 4 months and get their views. We'll talk about
> things at the meeting, reach consensus and  try to divide tasks whilst
> folks are together.
> Recall that there have been people in our tribe who insisted that all
> policy work should be at the SG level.  We hit a wall of disagreement on
> this and let things drift.  If we can come back to some consensus that
> policy is a two level engagement and constituency work is entirely
> compatible with SG work, then routinizing discussions of the former could
> be sensible.

Here's the good news: this proposal has been coordinated with the Chair of
the SG PC and is perfectly compatible with what the SG is doing. It makes
sense. This is street level activism well suited at the Constituency level.
Proactive rather than reactive.  How about I confer with our colleague
three weeks out and if she's still up for it I'll do an e-mail blast and we
can give it a shot? We can get some flexibility on the schedule that you
are under pressure to produce by doing an AOB slot.

(BTW I'm obviously not bright enough to come up with this idea on my own. I
really do think it's a good proposal, though).

> 2. I'd like the opportunity to have a short discussion on membership
> admission. One NCUC applicant is about to hit the 2.5 month mark waiting
> for a response. People lose interest. Let's see if we can develop a
> solution with everyone present. It's now our problem. The remaining NPOC
> member on the EC has approved all our applicants that have been sent to
> her, and she did it some time ago. Let's in a constructive and open way see
> what we can do. Do we need to change the system...or, hopefully,will
>  something less provide a solution to the problem.
> This would be the boring stuff you say generates dissatisfaction and a
> rush to the exits.  But yes it should be covered.

I shall do so.

> 3.  Newcomers. Assuming we have new members approved I'd like to send each
> one a brief email inviting them to Durban and, if they aren't able to come,
> suggest they join remotely. I'd further like to suggest we tell them if
> they are able to attend in some form we'd appreciate it if they would
> introduce themselves and tell us a little about themselves and then at the
> start of the meeting have a bit of time set aside so we can do just that.
> You're the head of the membership team (probably should let people know
> you've merged the two, delete moribund listservs and create one, etc.?).

I'm waiting on the e-team.

>  I invite you to go ahead and act.  Send mail.
> Goals: 1) Show the newbies we do want and care about them, 2) help them
> overcome conference call telephone shyness, and 3) demonstrate in a
> personal concrete way to the community that we are growing.
It shall be done. If I promise them an introduction by you I'm willing to
bet they'll be on the call regardless of the hour in their hometown. We
just need to make sure we do it. I'll take responsibility for monitoring
the calls and getting you a list of names to welcome.


>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> *From: *Glen de Saint Géry <Glen at icann.org>
>>> *Subject: **Durban meeting information *
>>> *Date: *May 20, 2013 11:29:53 PM GMT+02:00
>>> *To: *Robin Gross <robin at ipjustice.org>, William Drake <
>>> william.drake at uzh.ch>
>>> *Cc: *"gnso-secs at icann.org" <gnso-secs at icann.org>
>>> Dear Robin and Bill,
>>> Would you please provide the following information for the Stakeholder
>>> Day meetings on Tuesday, 16 July 2013,  in Durban and please let me have
>>> this no later than *MONDAY, 27 May 2013.*
>>>    - *Session Title, Overview, and Agenda*****
>>> *Are you happy with text or do you want to add to it:*
>>> *Non Commercial Users Constituency (*NCUC) day meeting – this is the
>>> scheduled NCUC meeting at the ICANN meeting in Beijing****
>>> All publicly posted sessions *MUST* have a description. What is the
>>> session about? Who is the audience? Speakers?
>>> • a breakdown of topics to be discussed
>>> • a list of speakers/panellists split up according to relevant subject
>>> • an explanation of the session’s goals and expected outcomes
>>> • hyperlinks to relevant documentation.
>>> The objective is to ensure that community leaders and participants,
>>> especially remote participants, are able to evaluate whether or not this is
>>> a session they wish to attend, so the more information you can give about
>>> it the better.****
>>>    - *Preferred  Time – please state*****
>>> Avoid overlapping regularly scheduled breaks (see below).
>>> If you need closed sessions during your meeting, please state the time
>>> and please try to make these either at the beginning or the end of meeting,
>>> rather than mid-morning or mid-afternoon. We will try and keep to the same
>>> time slot as in Beijing for the Stakeholder Group/Constituency
>>> consultations with the Board, that is 3:30pm – 4:30pm – Board with NCSG,
>>>  but this still has to be confirmed.****
>>>    - *Estimated Number of Attendees – (very important to optimize the
>>>    space)
>>>    *****
>>>    - *Preferred  set-up – U shape, Theatre, Class room, Board room,
>>>    rounds
>>>    please state, but please be aware that this depends on the
>>>    conference center layout and we will do our best to fulfill your request
>>>    but cannot guarantee the set-up you request.*****
>>>    - *Remote Participation*****
>>> Will you have remote presenters?****
>>>    - *Audio Visual Requirements*****
>>>                         Please note any special requests with regard to:
>>> ****
>>> Adobe connect,* - name of person who could run Adobe Connect
>>> *audio streaming,
>>> recording,****
>>>                                 transcription,
>>>                                 teleconferencing.**
>>> *Fixed Breaks* (Note: Requests for in-room coffee during the regularly
>>> scheduled coffee breaks will not be considered.)
>>> AM Coffee Break: 10:30 – 11:00
>>> Lunch Break: 12:30 – 13:30
>>> PM Coffee Break: 16:30 – 17:00****
>>> Please provide a full description, the date and time of any other
>>> meetings that you anticipate your group will need, especially if you have
>>> Audio Visual requirements for such meetings. Please state whether the
>>> meetings will be public sessions or closed sessions, that is intended only
>>> for a certain group. No requests will be considered after 31 MAY *2013.*
>>> ****
>>> Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
>>> Thank you so much.****
>>> Kind regards.****
>>> Glen****
>>> Glen de Saint Géry****
>>> GNSO Secretariat****
>>> gnso.secretariat at gnso.icann.org****
>>> http://gnso.icann.org****
>>> **********************************************************
>>> William J. Drake
>>> International Fellow & Lecturer
>>>   Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ
>>>   University of Zurich, Switzerland
>>> Chair, Noncommercial Users Constituency,
>>>   ICANN, www.ncuc.org
>>> william.drake at uzh.ch
>>> www.williamdrake.org
>>> ***********************************************************
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Ncuc-ec mailing list
>>> Ncuc-ec at lists.ncuc.org
>>> http://lists.ncuc.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ncuc-ec
>> **********************************************************
>> William J. Drake
>> International Fellow & Lecturer
>>   Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ
>>   University of Zurich, Switzerland
>> Chair, Noncommercial Users Constituency,
>>   ICANN, www.ncuc.org
>> william.drake at uzh.ch
>> www.williamdrake.org
>> ***********************************************************
> **********************************************************
> William J. Drake
> International Fellow & Lecturer
>   Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ
>   University of Zurich, Switzerland
> Chair, Noncommercial Users Constituency,
>   ICANN, www.ncuc.org
> william.drake at uzh.ch
> www.williamdrake.org
> ***********************************************************
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