[NCUC-EC] Draft Constituency Day Schedule

William Drake william.drake at uzh.ch
Thu Jun 13 12:18:15 CEST 2013


CD will be pretty densely packed if we're going to take advantage of the location to discuss African perspectives, meet ATRT, and also talk to GAC leadership, which is important to do in light of the wider new gTLD agenda and as preparation for Buenos Aires (we're negotiating a full formal NCUC/ GAC meeting, in their big room).  This means the organizational bit will have to be really squeezed—a demo of the website for 15-20 (obviously, the content for many pages is going to have to be filled in later, and we can solicit participation in drafting these), and then quick review and call for participation in initiatives that will basically have to be elaborated online.  Anyone who regards org matters as boring admin should appreciate this concise approach, but of course it does mean a bit more off site consultation is needed at the front end of any effort before it gets started.

Constructive comments welcome.  In particular, anything more that needs to be mentioned in 2c?



Draft Schedule
NCUC Constituency Day Meeting
Durban, Tuesday 16 April 2013, 9:00-12:30pm
1. Overview  9:00 – 9:15
a.     Participant introductions
b.     Summary of NCUC events @ the African School of Internet Governance
c.     New outreach brochure
2. Organizational Matters  9:15 – 10:00
a.     New website update
b.     ICANN responses to & implementation of our budgetary and GNSO tool kit requests
c.     Other projects for Q3 Durban=>Buenos Aires
               i.         Processing of membership applications
              ii.         Travel funding guidelines
            iii.         Re-establishing a Policy Committee vs. defined alternative mechanism for policy work and statements
            iv.         Bylaws revision (Q3 vs. Q4)
3.  African Perspectives on ICANN and Internet Governance  10:00 – 10:30/40
Guest discussion leader(s):
·      Anriette Esterhuysen, Executive Director, The Association for Progressive Communications
·      TBD
Coffee Break  10:30/40 – 11:00
4.  Visit of the Accountability & Transparency Review 2 (ATRT) Team  11:00 – 11:30
Documentation: http://www.icann.org/en/news/in-focus/accountability
ATRT’s questions to NCUC and the community
NCSG’s submission to the ATRT: GAC communiqué and related, NCUC’s Reconsideration request on Trademark Clearinghouse
5. Discussion 11:30 – 12:00pm
a.     Preparation for NCUC workshop on “The Debate on Closed Generic gTLDs”
b.     Stock taking & planning
c.     AOB
6.  Visit of Thomas Schneider (Switzerland), Vice Chair of the Government Advisory Committee  12:00 – 12:30 pm
a.     Update on GAC work and thinking
b.     NCUC concerns
Closing  12:30 pm
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