[NCUC-EC] [NCUC Finance] Budget Requests Due This Friday

William Drake william.drake at uzh.ch
Wed Apr 17 15:16:59 CEST 2013

Hi Carlos

Thanks for the feedback.  On your particular suggestions:

On Apr 16, 2013, at 9:46 PM, Carlos A. Afonso <ca at cafonso.ca> wrote:

> While I do not, like several other NCUCers, like to have us dependent on ICANN, I think we should anyway apply for these funds -- after all, our very existence derives from ICANN's existence :)
> Thus, not knowing quantitative limits, I would qualitatively suggest the following items:
> - make sure we have resources for a decent, professional, regular maintenance of our Internet information/interaction spaces, so we can keep this really up to date; I do not think this can rely on volunteers alone (even the ones with Redbook-grade, Maoist-type dedication :));
> - btw, make sure that our Internet spaces are W3C/WAI-compliant as much as possible;

We hadn't contemplated seeking funding for commercially provided e-support.  The folks who've been taking the lead on this stuff are on these lists; if they want to formulate a proposal using ICANN's template and send it to me for submission Friday, they are invited.  Otherwise we can wait to the next budgetary cycle and revisit….Either way, I'm not in a position to do this.
> - include funds for our now regular pre-ICANN events (for components such as coffee breaks, renting of the room and facilities, travel funds for invitee speakers etc) -- this should always be shared by other funders, like PIR, CGI.br and others.

Right, I was looking for info on the pre-events.  If I don't get it then I'll submit something generic from my hotel room in Panama and hope they'll let us clarify details post hoc.  I don't think they'll fund invited speakers etc.

BTW, we have back responses from Xavier on the Fast Track requests and they are a bit hard to make sense of at first glance.  NCUC is denied funding for print materials and told it'll be considered in the regular cycle for post-Buenos Aires, while NCSG gets $5 for printed materials immediately.  NCUC's app for IGF funding tentatively gets the $12k requested but NCSG and NPOC get nothing, and we've applied to do a joint WS.  I suspect what they mean is that each of us, NCUC/NCSG/NPOC, gets one travel slot, but it's somehow accounted as being under NCUC's allotment.  All kinds of stuff that's not obvious to the naked that I've asked for clarifications on.  Meanwhile APALO and AFRALO each get more than NCUC/NCSG/NPOC.  Whatever.

And separately Rob has advised me that I need to turn my Took Kit request of a new EC retreat (well, at least those able to come) needs to be converted into a regular budget request.  On more thing to pump out in the hotel...


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