[Ec-ncuc] new EC and tasks for new year

Konstantinos Komaitis k.komaitis
Sun Jan 8 15:09:50 CET 2012

Dear all,

Happy new year and all the best for 2012. I hope you have had a good and relaxing festive season.

As I mentioned in my email in December, we have some tasks ahead of us that we need to start dealing with. The first and most pressuring one is the NCUC charter. We need to update it and I would like us to have it in place before the Costa Rica meeting. This means that we have two months to sort the charter out, but I don't think also that it will require a lot of work.

The first issue, however, is who will be doing the re-drafting. There are two possibilities: we either go back to the membership and ask who wants to participate in the drafting team or the EC takes on this task. I think that in both cases, I should be involved as the chair (please let me know if you disagree) and, if we opt for the first option, the group should be small, no more than 5-6 people and those should be selected on a first-come basis.

Please let me know what you think so we can get things started.



From: "Nuno NET>" <ngarcia at NGARCIA.NET<mailto:ngarcia at NGARCIA.NET>>
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2012 22:37:13 +0000
To: Konstantinos Komaitis <k.komaitis at strath.ac.uk<mailto:k.komaitis at strath.ac.uk>>
Cc: "EC-NCUC at ipjustice.org<mailto:EC-NCUC at ipjustice.org>" <ec-ncuc at ipjustice.org<mailto:ec-ncuc at ipjustice.org>>, Carlos Afonso <ca at CAFONSO.CA<mailto:ca at CAFONSO.CA>>, Milton L Mueller <mueller at SYR.EDU<mailto:mueller at SYR.EDU>>
Subject: Re: new EC and tasks for new year

Dear all, I'm back on my desk again, after some time travelling.

I'm slowly picking up my emails.

Please see inline.

All the best,


On 20 December 2011 12:01, Konstantinos Komaitis <k.komaitis at strath.ac.uk<mailto:k.komaitis at strath.ac.uk>> wrote:
Dear all,

I am using the EC list (since it is archived) and I have cc?d Nuno and Carlos (the newest members) since I don?t know if Brenden had the time to add the new officers to the list. In any case, I was thinking that before we break for Christmas, we start thinking about the pressing tasks we have before us.

The first one and the most important is the NCUC Charter, which has to be amended to comply with the NCSG charter. I have started working on it, but it is seriously incomplete. I think the first thing we need to consider is process and the way I see it there are only two options: either the EC works on it or we form a small group of NCUC members to work on it. I am fine either way ? the only thing I would like to stress is that if we opt for option no. 2, we need to make sure that the group does not get too big and bureaucratic (not sure how we do this though ? perhaps we say a group of 5 and it will be on a first come, first served basis?). I am want your views on this and how we should proceed. In any case, the charter will be put up for a vote before the whole membership.
In order to comply with the requests for transparency, I propose we use a mixed solution, requesting two or three volunteers from the NCUC to work with two or three volunteers from the EC. The volunteers would be selected by the EC regarding their profile, or, as you propose, the first volunteers would get the "job".

The second issues is the Ning website ? we need to update it and make it somehow more interactive. Brenden is the guru of the website and I will be liaising with him in order to make some necessary amendments (e.g. the membership section now needs to link to the NCSG membership). Ideas are welcomed and what other changes ? if any ? you think are necessary.
Konstantinos, AFAIS, the ning site points to this url: http://http://ncdnhc.org/? At least, we need to update the page with the new officers list at http://ncdnhc.org/page/elected-officers. We should promote the site in the NCUC Facebook (and Google+) pages.

I would also like to ask that Milton remains the Treasurer for NCUC ? he has been doing this for a long time now and many administrative issues (e.g. cheque book) are under his name. if Milton doesn?t object, it would only make sense for him to continue to perform this function. According to the existing charter, the EC makes the appointment for the Treasurer ? (. Be elected on an annual basis by Constituency members in an online vote (with the exception of the Secretary-Treasurer, who is appointed by the EC).
I agree and support the nomination.

Membership ? we need to bring in more organizations and individuals. this is very difficult but we need to identify orgs and individuals and try to bring them in. any ideas as to how to do this?
We need to define a goal (number) for each region, and work towards that goal. Do we have a budget for operations? (I don't expect we have).

I am sure I am forgetting something, so please jump in to remind me. I would like this year this list to be more active and hold discussions on the various constituency issues. and, we have a tough year ahead of us.

Many thanks and all the best for the festive season. Have a great new year. (I am back home as of tomorrow and I will try my interaction with the email to be as minimal as possible :)
Happy New Year to all,

Thanks to you all.


Dr. Konstantinos Komaitis,

Senior Lecturer,
Director of Postgraduate Instructional Courses
Director of LLM Information Technology and Telecommunications Law
University of Strathclyde,
The Law School,
Graham Hills building,
50 George Street, Glasgow G1 1BA
tel: +44 (0)141 548 4306<tel:%2B44%20%280%29141%20548%204306>
Selected publications: http://hq.ssrn.com/submissions/MyPapers.cfm?partid=501038
Website: www.komaitis.org<http://www.komaitis.org>

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