[Ec-ncuc] NCUC Policy Committee

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc
Fri Dec 14 13:10:18 CET 2012

On Dec 14 11:52, William Drake (william.drake at uzh.ch) wrote:

> The current, wildly out of date NCUC charter
> http://ncuc.org/page/charter-1 says that we have a PC
> The main rationale for having it seemed to be transparency, talking
> policy on a publicly archived list
> http://mailman.ctyme.com/listinfo/pc-ncuc.

That would make some sense if EC list wasn't just as public.
As it is, and given the fairly small number of people involved,
it would seem a single committee could fulfill both functions
just as well if not better.

> When I started thinking about charter revisions, my initial instinct
> was to kill it. After all, if we can't populate and operate it, then
> we shouldn't nominally have it and be operating out of synch with
> our charter. I still lean in this direction a little.

> BUT, another option would be to make it a thing.

Yes. Either make it real or remove it from the charter.

> I've proposed that Avri and Mary represent us on the NCSG-PC. They
> could also be on the NCUC-PC, and the bridge between the two.

Who would bridge NCUC-PC and NCUC-EC?
Would you put Avri and Mary or the entire PC people on EC mailing list?

What about the opposite: could NCUC-PC be a superset of NCUC-EC,
i.e., composed of EC plus a number of others
(contrary to the current charter)?

That might make sense in that the people who care about the issues
enough to volunteer for the "menial work" of the EC probably also want
to have their say in policy issues, while others will only have time
and energy for the latter. And the total number of people needed would
be fewer.

Keeping EC and PC strictly separate might work better if we were
more numerous, but as it is, I feel it'd only drain our human
resources unnecessarily.

Of course such overlap could also be arranged without codifying
it, by organizing work so EC and PC would work together as
appropriate, e.g., put all EC members on PC mailing list
and invite them in PC meetings.

Tapani Tarvainen

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