[NCUC-DISCUSS] Fwd: ICANN CEO and NCUC EC 1:1 meeting

Carlos A. Afonso ca at cafonso.ca
Thu May 30 14:17:30 CEST 2024

This is really interesting and challenging. Many languages (not only those directly derived from Latin) have partial or total declension (declination) for the plural and other variants of nouns instead of just adding an "s". Bambino/bambini in Italian, woman/women in English. Even languages like Portuguese which typically add an "s" for the plural have variants (anel/anéis).

This issue goes far beyond just adding an "s", even for English.

fraternal regards

[nowadays normally just a lurker in this list]

On 5/29/24 09:27, Kathy Kleiman wrote:
> I have another topic for the CEO: Singular and plural new gTLDs. This has been an issue since time began, but very recently the Board issued a "strawman" barring singulars and plurals of the same word in the same language. You can understand why, but that was not the recommendation of the SubPro Working Group, which worked on the issue for years and established an "intended use" standard - what is the intended use of the strings and are they confusing?
> For our CEO: /How many different scenarios did the Board analyze when it decided to set aside the carefully-worded recommendation of the SubPro Working Group (allowing non-confusing singular and plural gTLDs) and offered this new proposal to bar singulars and plurals of the same "string" in the next round? /
> /In particular, could she share examples they considered of noncommercial speech in new gTLD applications, for example, NGOs that might be running global projects, and seek new gTLDs, e.g., .kitchens (World Central Kitchen operating facilities around the world), .disasters, .research? /All could easily co-exist with another singular/plural gTLD as the NGO uses above would be unique, unusual and vital.
> Best and tx, Kathy
> On 5/28/2024 4:46 PM, Benjamin Akinmoyeje wrote:
>> Dear Kathy,
>> Thank you for this critical point and the six principles from the NCUC issue forum; these six points' guardrails will be shared during the meeting. with the ICANN CEO.
>> Looking forward to additional questions from the membership.
>> Kind regards,
>> Benjamin
>> On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 4:14 PM Kathy Kleiman <Kathy at kathykleiman.com> wrote:
>>     Hi Benjamin,
>>     NCUC's deep concern about unlimited, unbounded Registry Voluntary
>>     Commitments - including as raised in our NCUC Anniversary Issues
>>     Forum I at ICANN77 in DC and Part II at ICANN78 in Hamburg. ICANN
>>     needs to set up clear rules for any review of proposed RVCs based
>>     on our six point Guardrails (attached).
>>     Best, Kathy
>>     On 5/20/2024 3:59 AM, Benjamin Akinmoyeje wrote:
>>>     Dear NCUC members,
>>>     Good day and wishing you a great week,
>>>     A gentle reminder that your input is still needed.
>>>     Kind regards,
>>>     Benjamin
>>>     ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>>     From: *Benjamin Akinmoyeje* <benakin at gmail.com>
>>>     Date: Tue, May 14, 2024 at 3:38 PM
>>>     Subject: ICANN CEO and NCUC EC 1:1 meeting
>>>     To: NCUC-discuss <ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>
>>>     Dear NCUC members,
>>>     Good day and I hope you are doing great.
>>>     The NCUC EC and ICANN CEO would be meeting on the 31st of May, 2024.
>>>     I am reaching out to you to solicite topic you will like us to
>>>     discuss with the ICANN CEO during the meeting.
>>>     Your input is highlty desired.
>>>     Kind regards,
>>>     Benjamin
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