[NCUC-DISCUSS] Candidate Statement NCUC EC NA

Namra Naseer fr.namra at gmail.com
Fri May 24 08:42:01 CEST 2024

Dear all,

Here is my candidate statement:

Name: Namra Naseer
Region of Residence: NY, US
Gender: Female
Employment: Currently working with New Jersey State Economic Development
Conflict: None

I want to serve on the EC for NA because after exploring different groups
within ICANN, I realized you can make the most impact through NCSG/NCUC,
and I believe that EC is a great place to start contributing. My
involvement in Internet governance and policy issues, combined with my
experience in various ICANN teams and programs, has taught me the
importance of NCUC's work. I have found mentors within NCUC, and serving on
the EC would allow me to leverage my skills and experience to contribute
meaningfully to our community, advocate for non-commercial interests, and
support NCUC.

Since 2022, I have been involved within NCSG/NCUC, participating in the
Policy Transition Program – Pilot under the management of Melissa Algood. I
have gained valuable insights into the Applicant Support program and its
evolution, including its challenges. I was an alternate at SubPro Small
Team Plus for the new gTLDs program. I have been a three-time consecutive
ICANN fellow and was featured in the ICANN76 newsletter.

My personal and professional experiences are relevant to serving on the
NCUC EC (NA). I bring valuable insights from my work with startups in the
AI, information retrieval, and education spaces, as well as my experience
as the Vice President and Board Member at ISOC NY and a recent fellow of
ARIN. Additionally, I have six years of experience in research, analysis,
geopolitics, and policy work, which equips me with a solid foundation to
navigate the interplay of various issues. My professional and volunteer
experience as a facilitator/ speaker demonstrates my ability to engage with
diverse stakeholders and effectively communicate. Through the Pilot
Transition Program and as an alternate on the SubPro Small Team Plus, I
have understood the long history of gTLDs, which now helps me navigate the
present work on it and how it interacts with NCUC and its interests.

I am committed to dedicating time to fulfill my EC responsibilities,
including attending online meetings, participating in discussions, and
contributing to projects. I have no significant concerns or limitations
that would affect my ability to participate in online discussions or ICANN
Meetings in person.

I intend to utilize email updates and mailing lists to keep members
apprised of my EC-related activities and ensure transparency by sharing my
progress. I encourage all members to provide input and feedback to address
our community's needs and concerns.

NCUC's function, scale, and role are evolving to address the increasing
complexities of the internet space, specifically the domain name industry.
I also foresee the growing importance of NCUC work relevant to the next
gTLD round. NCUC has much potential to expand its outreach to
underrepresented communities and strengthen its capacity-building

Several areas of ICANN policy need more attention, particularly issues
related to data protection, privacy, and the impact of emerging
technologies on domain name systems. The evolution of the Applicant Support
program and new gTLD policies also require continued focus to ensure
equitable access and fair treatment for non-commercial users.

Namra Naseer
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