[NCUC-DISCUSS] Candidate statement

Hago Dafalla dafalla at yahoo.com
Wed May 22 14:52:39 CEST 2024

Dear All
Below is my candidate statement,
!- Name, declared region of residence, gender and employment;Hago DafallaSudanese national residing in Sudan, AfricaMaleLecturer , Ahlya University, Sudan..2- Any conflicts of interest:no3--Reasons for willingness to take on the tasks of the particular position:    I am involved in the  NCSG community since 2012. I volunteered in different ICANN Working group previously. I would like to volunteer for the NCSG position for this period. I do believe I am familiar with the duties and expectations for such a role, and with the provisions in the NCSG charter.4- I am aiming:To keep advocating for NCSG positions  and non-commercial interests. in particular with the new and continuous challenges within ICANN. For that purpose, I will do my best   to keep NCSG membership informed about NCSG Executive Committee activities and ICANN updates in general. I also want to emphasize working and cooperating with the members of   committees to make us more effective, coordinated for the benefit of the whole NCSG. I will also work with all leadership of NCSG constituencies NCUC and NPOcAs NCSG council member. Surly I will keep focusing on helping newcomers and those interested in policy to grasp more about ICANN and in particular how GNSO . I will Work to pump new blood into the organization and encourage others to get involved in this organization and play an effective role by nominating themselves and competing to occupy these executive positions in this organization, which has remained limited to specific groups and specific people exchanging executive positions in it. It is time for change.5- Qualifications for the position:I served in many positions and I am interests in several roles , I am aware about  new members' needs, expectations but also keeping learning  about them, also I know the challenges that still need to be dealt with in this organization.  
As I said before I participated in several ICANN working groups. I served as Multistackholder advisory groub for Arab IGF and for North Africa IGF. I participate in the first Netmundial by several topics.  I was  the AfriNic NOMCOM Member for 2011 and 2012.6-  Statement of availability for the time the position requires:Yes, I am available and committing as NCSG council member to allocate the required time to do what is expected and go beyond when needed.
7-  The nominee’s statement may also include any other information that the candidate believes is relevant: What matters most to me is to be more effective and to truly represent NCSG that meets the aspirations of its members and employees, to be satisfied with myself, and to ensure its sustainability. I am interested in teamwork and need to work with others to achieve NCSG goals. for more information see my C.V attached here.
Dr. Hago Dafalla

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