[NCUC-DISCUSS] Leadership roles in NCUC and NCSG

Emmanuel Vitus emmanuelvitus at gmail.com
Wed May 15 18:02:16 CEST 2024

Dear colleagues,
 It's always good and interesting to have this conversation (almost every
year) during the election period. In addition to what Julf, Tomslin, Pedro,
Stephanie and other colleagues have said, I propose that we set up an
ad-hoc committee after these elections.

 This committee would be tasked with identifying the KPIs, accountability
metrics, and capacity-building efforts that can help nurture a new
generation of leaders and also a nomcom for our elections.

 I personally joined ICANN 9 years ago as a French native speaker. It took
me almost 4 years to overcome the language barrier, understand the
complexity of ICANN as an organization, and contribute to the topics.

I know that people from Francophone, Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic
backgrounds face similar challenges, often hesitating before contributing
or joining a conversation. It's not easy, and we must encourage and support
them. It's painful to feel stupid because you have ideas you can't express
in another language. Let's fix that gap.

 Volunteering is good but needs to be measured because it's unfair for
people to dedicate hours of work and then see others, with little or no
contribution or knowledge, stepping into leadership roles. It's a problem
of democracy.

We often see the usual suspects even for webinars and the policy transition
pilot project, while others don't show willingness & Pedro said it well.
Most calls, including council and policy calls, are open, but we can barely
count new faces.

It would be beneficial to have these conversations throughout the year, not
just during the election period.

 There shouldn't be shortcuts to being elected as a leader just because one
can rally people during elections. It's good to complain about "recycling",
but let's put proposals on the table. & thanks Remmy & Stephanie for the
proposals and willingness to help. Your mail boxes will be full soon :)

Warm regards,

Sent from iPhone. Excuse brevity and typos.

On Tue 14 May 2024 at 15:19, Thato Mfikwe <thatomfikwe at gmail.com> wrote:

> Good evening afternoon colleagues from South Africa,
> Thato Mfikwe (Ntjatje) here. I am concerned about recycling on NCUC and
> NCSG leadership roles, especially at regional representation and
> chairperson level, I strongly feel we need to give other members of our
> community a chance in leadership positions as I keep seeing the same names
> year after year going back to the same leadership roles. This is my honest
> opinion, it would be good to give new people or those who served one term
> another chance at leadership roles as opposed to those who have served more
> than 6 years in similar roles for instance.
> This is my humble submission to the membership as this will facilitate
> rotation and inclusion, thanks.
> Thato Mfikwe (Ntjatje).
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