[NCUC-DISCUSS] Nomination of Muriel Alapini for the Role of NCUC Africa Representative

Kossi Amessinou amessinoukossi at gmail.com
Tue May 14 01:19:02 CEST 2024

Dear All,
I am pleased to write to nominate Muriel Alapini for the role of NCUC
Africa Representative. Muriel has dedicated years to the field of internet
governance and has been an influential mentor to many young Africans. Her
extensive involvement with ICANN for the last 7 years both as  a fellow and
a member of the constituency underscores her deep commitment and expertise.

Furthermore, Muriel's proficiency in both English and French uniquely
positions her to effectively represent the diverse interests of the Africa
region. I am confident in her abilities and hope she accepts this
nomination to bring her valuable perspective to this important role.

Thank you for considering this nomination.

Best regards,

Dr. Kossi Amessinou
Chair of ONG Women Be Free
*Docteur en Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication*
*Expert en gouvernance de l'internet et en transformation digitale*
Ancien Directeur de l'Informatique et du Pré-archivage
Ancien Coordonnateur de projet et Chef service informatique
Téléphone/Whatsapp: +229 95 19 67 02 |+*229 99 38 98 17*
Boîte Postale: 01BP7304 Cotonou - Bénin
Emails: kamessinou at finances.bj|amessinoukossi at gmail.com
http://www.facebook.com/amessinoukossi |
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