[NCUC-DISCUSS] 2024 NCUC Election Results

houssem kaabi houssem.kaabi at gmail.com
Sat Jun 8 16:03:46 CEST 2024

Congratulations Wisdom !! Well deserved and all the bests 🙏


Le ven. 7 juin 2024, 14:27, Wisdom Donkor <wisdom.dk at gmail.com> a écrit :

> Dear all,
> I would like to sincerely thank each and every one of you for your belief
> in me. I recognise the significance of this position, and I'm determined to
> put in a lot of effort along with everyone to make sure we build on the
> gains of NCUC.  The confidence you have shown me by electing me as the next
> NCUC Chair fills me with immense honour and gratitude. Having your support
> is incredibly humbling.
> I would also like to express my gratitude to Hfaiedh Ines and all the
> other contenders who ran in order to create a competitive election. Your
> eagerness demonstrates NCUC's strength and diversity, and I am excited to
> collaborate with each of you.
> Finally, I would like to congratulate each and every elected EC member:
> Pedro de Pardigao, Latin America and the Caribbean, Sara Ali. Africa, Amin
> Hacha  Europe, Mili Semlani  Asia Pacific and Namra Naseer North America,
> Once again, thank you for this incredible opportunity. Together, we can
> achieve great things.
> *Wisdom Donkor* (CASP+,  CISM, CEH Certified,)
> Executive Director
> Africa Open Data and Internet Research Foundation (AODIRF) | Africa
> Community Internet Program (ACIP)
> Africa Geospatial Data and Internet Conference (AGDIC)
> P.O. Box CT 2439, Cantonments, Accra | www.aodirf.org  / www.
> <http://www.afrigeocon.org>agdic.info
> Tel: +233 20 812 8851
> Skype: wisdom_dk | Facebook: kwasi wisdom |  Twitter: @wisdom_dk
> _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> ICANN GNSO Council Member | ICANN transfer policy review working group
> Member  | Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous
> Improvement (CCOICI) | UN IGF MAG Member | IGF Support Fund Association
> Executive Committee Member, World Bank Independent Consultant | AU AFIGF
> Member |  Ghana OGP Advisory Committee member | GSS SDGs Advisory Committee
> Member
> ____________________________________________________________________________________________
> Specialization:
> E-government Network Infrastructure and E-application, Internet
> Governance,  Open Data policies platforms & Community Development, Cyber
> Security, Geospatial Technologies, Open Source Technologies, Domain Name
> Systems, Human Resource Planning and Development, Software Engineering,
> Event Planning & Management,
> _______________________________________________
> Ncuc-discuss mailing list
> Ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org
> https://lists.ncuc.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ncuc-discuss
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