[NCUC-DISCUSS] [NCSG-Discuss] 2024 NCSG Election Results

Hago Dafalla dafalla at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 7 13:19:53 CEST 2024

Congratulations to all elected Leaders.Thanks
Hago Dafalla
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On الخميس, يونيو ٦, ٢٠٢٤ at ٣:٥٨ م, Johan Helsingius<00001963cc94b85a-dmarc-request at LISTSERV.SYR.EDU> wrote:   Please see the 2024 election results below:

    NCSG Election 2024

                  Mark ONLY one box with a tick for the position below:

                  **NCSG Chair**

1:151 votes    [] Benjamin Akinmoyeje

2:170 votes    [] *Rafik Dammak*

3: 32 votes    [] Abstain

                  **GNSO Council**

                  There are three vacant council positions. You may 
select up to three candidates or you may abstain from selecting a 
candidate if you wish.

                  Mark ONLY one box with a tick for the position below:

4:248 votes    [] *Bruna Martins dos Santos*

5: 80 votes    [] Abstain

                  Mark ONLY one box with a tick for the position below:

6:278 votes    [] *Farzaneh Badii*

7: 55 votes    [] Abstain

                  Mark ONLY one box with a tick for the position below:

8:180 votes    [] Hago Dafalla

9: 99 votes    [] Abstain

                  Mark ONLY one box with a tick for the position below:

10:271 votes    [] *Julf Helsingius*

11: 55 votes    [] Abstain

                  Mark ONLY one box with a tick for the position below:

12:185 votes    [] Razoana Moslam

13:104 votes    [] Abstain

According to Civi there are 710 individual members and 259 
organizational members. 245 ballots were cast, 79 who were sent ballots 
did not vote.


Congratulations to Rafik, Bruna and Frazaneh, and many thanks to
Benjamin, Hago and Razoana for participating as well as all of
you who voted!

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