[NCUC-DISCUSS] NCUC New Leadership Team

Bruna Martins dos Santos bruna.mrtns at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 16:18:10 CEST 2020

Dear NCUC,

I am writing to let you know that today was my last day as our
constituency's chair and I very much enjoyed these past 3 years at the NCUC
leadership team. It was a pleasure to share the EC with @Louise Marie Hurel
<louise.marie.hsd at gmail.com>, @David Cake <davecake at gmail.com>, @Michael
Karanicolas <mkaranicolas at gmail.com> , @Elsa S <elsa.saade at gmail.com>, @hfaiedh
ines <hfaiedh.ines2 at gmail.com>, @Benjamin Akinmoyeje
<benakin at gmail.com> , @franco
giandana <fgiandana at gmail.com> and @Mili Semlani <milisemlani at gmail.com>.

Also adding my thank you note to the previous NCUC, NPOC and NCSG Chairs
for their support and collaboration, and also to our representatives at the
NCSG EC and PC, as well as our appointed members to the Nominating

Happy to announce that NCUC has recently elected a new Leadership Team and
Chair - listed below - and these shall be your contact people from now on.

*NCUC Chair* - Raphaƫl Beaureguard-Lacroix
*EC AF* - Benjamin Akinmoyeje
*EC APAC* - Mili Semlani
*EC EU* - Olga Kyryliuk
*EC LAC* - Lia Hernandez
*EC NA* -* Vacant *

Wishing the best of luck to Raphael and the NCUC EC in the upcoming year,
and looking forward to continuing working with you all as the NCSG Chair.

Best regards,
*Bruna Martins dos Santos *

Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
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