[NCUC-DISCUSS] Virtual Meetings Strategy - Reply by April 2nd

Bruna Martins dos Santos bruna.mrtns at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 17:30:17 CEST 2020

Dear NCUC,

I hope this email finds everyone well and at their houses.

ICANN is starting a consultation with Community leaders on an effective
Virtual Meetings strategy past the first experience that was ICANN 67.
While it is still not confirmed by them whether the Kuala Lumpur
meeting will be a virtual one, considering the unstable conditions of
COVID-19 I believe we can already count this upcoming meeting as such.

In light of that, as mentioned above, ICANN wants to hear back from
communities our position on Virtual meetings and what should be their
strategy moving forward. All community leaders have until Thursday, april
2nd, to send the Org our positions on  twelve multiple choice questions
related to known areas of concern such as, time zones, meeting duration,
and language services.

In order to have our PoVs on this matter as constituency broad as possible,
I will copy the survey questions below and would appreciate if you can
comment on them by April 2nd, 10 AM UTC.

We have previously collected comments on some issues with the app and
timezones, but I would like to ask you once again if - besides the
questions below - are there other points or issues you would like NCUC
leadership to point out in the survey.

Best Regards,
*Bruna Martins dos Santos *
NCUC Chair


*Questions: *

*Time Zone and Duration *

*1. For ICANN67, the virtual meeting was conducted during general working
hours in CancĂșn local time. If ICANN68 is held as a Virtual Policy Forum,
what time zone should the schedule adhere to? *
Kuala Lumpur (UTC+8)
London (UTC+1)
Los Angeles (UTC-7)
No Preference

*2. What is the maximum number of hours per day you would participate in a
virtual ICANN68?*

8 hours/day
6 hours/day
4 hours/day
2 hours/day
No Preference

*3. Would you support extending the duration of the meeting to accommodate
fewer hours per day? *

No (keep current duration)
Yes (1 day)
Yes (up to 2 days)
Yes (up to 3 days)
No Preference

*Program and  Services *
*4. Would you support cross-community led plenary sessions during the


*5. Given the success of the Public Forum during ICANN67, would you support
a Public Forum during ICANN68 to facilitate interaction with the ICANN


*6. How important is it to have interpretation services during the virtual

Very Important
Not very Important
Not at all Important

*7. Rate the Importance of each language (1 to 5, with 1 being very
important and 5 being not important at all) *

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