[NCUC-DISCUSS] IGF Workshop Discussion List

Michael Karanicolas mkaranicolas at gmail.com
Sun May 20 21:06:31 CEST 2018

Hi all,

Thanks to all those who volunteered to help take this discussion forward. I
would suggest two possible topics for our session proposal:

1. Multistakeholderism: Rights, domain names, and governmental impacts on
Internet governance. The challenge to doing this would be to craft a
proposal which is sufficiently different from the NCSG proposal which Ayden
circulated. Still - I think there is potentially space to do this, for
example by focusing on how this has been evolving at ITU, with their recent
resolution (Res 102 ITU-D) on internet resources.

2. "Whither WHOIS - Accreditation and the Path Forward for the Global
WHOIS" - By IGF 2018, we'll be six months out from the GDPR's "Judgment
Day", and potentially around six months in to the proposed expedited PDP to
develop an accreditation model for access, so a good time to check in on
progress, and how the sky didn't actually fall on May 26, and the future of
the WHOIS.

So - do we want option 1 or option 2 (or a third option)? Thoughts?


 NCUC IGF WS Proposal
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